JUST IN CASE YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW ITS EASY TO GET RICH IN MALAWI!!! AS LOOTING OF MILLIONS OF MONEY CONTINUES... Distinguished donors and international partners; As you have queezed the Vice President Khumbo Kachali at Capital Hill in the absence of President Joyce Banda who is hiding overseas the following may interest you;- Malawi’s Minister of Tourism Rachel Mazombwe Zulu has awarded herself a stationary tender to supply to the ministry falling directly under her, Ministry of Tourism to supply stationary worth millions in taxpayers’ money. The minister did this without following procedures and did not declare any conflict of interest. The minister’s company is J Browns Stationers.- Within the one year she has been in power, President Joyce Banda of Malawi and her family, now own Naming’omba Tea Estates after it was sold to the First Family by one Osward Lutepo. Lutepo is the man the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) have been looking for in order to question on the millions of taxpayers that have been cashed in the Malawi Defence for supplying items that are not very clear. According to our investigations, Lutepo sold the company to the Banda family after he was squeezed by NBS Bank after it was discovered that he was awarded a huge loan without following proper security procedures by former NBS Chief Executive Officer John Bizwick. The NBS Bank board after realising the anomaly, asked Lutepo to pay back the money a thing he could not do but decided to sell the estate to the top family in order to raise the money and re-pay NBS Bank. Meanwhile, the board decided to force Bizwick to resign from his post but he was saved this humiliation after he wentpleading to President Banda to give her the job of Commissioner General at the Malawi Revenue Authority. Meanwhile the Portuguese construction company Mota Engil who have huge business interests in Malawi, bought tens of tipper trucks and donated them to the First Family in return of government favours in Malawi Government tenders. The trucks, now being managed by Geoff Kachale, first son of the President have been hired back by Mota Engil who are paying lots of money to the Banda family.We will keep informed as we peruse through these files that are in our possessions.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 06:53:08 +0000

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