#JUSTATHOUGHT... HUNGER MANAGEMENT AND ERADICATION... If you are in touch with current news as my friend does, you must be aware of the several deaths reported in Bartabwa Ward and Tiaty Sub-county. It is so bitter to hear this in the wake of Ksh. 2Million Car Loan allocated to MCAs then Hon. Cheboi goes to Red Cross requesting for Aid... Dr. Kibosia of M.T.R.H Eldoret as I am informed has taken 100 bags of maize to the starving families in the area. Farmers with a good will and generous hearts at MAUCHE in Nakuru County have also pulled resources including maize and are there to be collected and be taken to the needy families that are dying of the adverse effects of drought... What am I driving at? My friend informs me that Governor has promised to buy 3000 bags after being summoned by Senate Committee to explain why are people feeding on CATS yet the Agricultural functions have been devolved... Food security too is a matter under him... Seriously if you look at the Scorching sun now in most parts of the County it calls for a future preparation of food purchasing. All organs including the Central government ought to be ready to provide food since the Rain fed agriculture this year seems not so promising.. Also remember these are not the old times where we used to have hardened children who could skip meals... The ones we have now can die mapema I tell you... Although am informed a man can take 7 days before he dies without food am sure my generation is half that time... A saying goes mwenye shibe hamjui mwenye njaa, maybe this is it... We should take the necessary action now and ensure that generations are salvaged or the hungry man will grow to be angry and we pay much for it.. My humble appeal is that Sobriety reigns and this thing be tackled as a matter of priority and leave alone the political sideshows because much is looming by the look of our skies.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:30:00 +0000

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