“JUSTICE FOR ALL” AND “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY,” parts of the foundation upon which the United States of America is built and they are why so many UPSTANDING American Military Service Members have SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES. “MISSION, MEN & ME” AND “LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND,” two, long-standing military expressions that represent incredible commitment, discipline, character, honor, respect and service on the part of UPSTANDING American Military Service Members. Regarding issues in connection with Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (“Sgt. Bergdahl”), the former American POW held for five years by the Taliban, let us not overlook evidence readily available from numerous media sources of apparent, willful disregard for “MISSION, MEN & ME” AND “LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND” on the parts of certain soldiers from Sgt. Bergdahls unit alleging (the “Accusatory Soldiers”) Sgt. Bergdahl is directly responsible for the deaths of a certain six soldiers (“Six American Heroes”) and/or who appear to have strong objections with Sgt. Bergdahl being brought home ALIVE to American soil. I suggest THEIR actions, the actions of the Accusatory Soldiers, are evidence of deficiencies in THEIR OWN commitment, discipline, character, honor, respect and service because I see no way to reconcile their actions with “MISSION, MEN & ME” AND “LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND.” Until the American military says otherwise, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is INNOCENT and an American Soldier. MISSION, MEN & ME. May we all please remember that the Six American Heroes were following orders MISSION, MEN & ME, and were in a military situation because they voluntarily joined the Army of the United States of America? MISSION, MEN & ME. “This was a dangerous region in Afghanistan in the middle of the ‘fighting season,” the officer said in an email, adding that although the search “could have created some opportunities for the enemy, it is “difficult to establish a direct cause and effect.” (nytimes/2014/06/03/us/us-soldier-srgt-bowe-bergdahl-of-idaho-pow-vanished-angered-his-unit.html). “A review of the database of casualties in the Afghan war suggests that SERGEANT BERGDAHL’S CRITICS APPEAR TO BE BLAMING HIM FOR EVERY AMERICAN SOLDIER KILLED IN PAKTIKA PROVINCE IN THE FOUR-MONTH PERIOD THAT FOLLOWED HIS DISAPPEARANCE.” (nytimes/2014/06/03/us/us-soldier-srgt-bowe-bergdahl-of-idaho-pow-vanished-angered-his-unit.html). I vehemently object to inferences of the Accusatory Soldiers that the Six American Heroes were deficient in their commitment, discipline, character, honor, respect and service, MISSION, MEN & ME as the Accusatory Soldiers suggest in statements that these Six American Heroes did not want to search, or resented searching for Sgt. Bergdahl. Each of these Six American Heroes were conducting themselves in a manner consistent with MISSION, MEN & ME at the time of their ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. STOP DISRESPECTING THEM AND STOP DISRESPECTING THEIR FAMILIES. As desperately as we all wish there to be no American Service Member lives lost, there are no do overs. MISSION, MEN & ME. Why only go back to 30 June 2009 when looking for blame as to why a Gold Star Mothers service member died? MISSION, MEN & ME. Why only go back to 30 June 2009 when Sgt. Bowe Bergdahls birthday is 28 March 1986? MISSION, MEN & ME. LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND As a military mom who refuses to contribute to the price of war and who is offended by those that do, I am particularly offended with the testimony of Representative DeSantis, a former military prosecutor, during the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Hearing on Bergdahl (m.youtube/watch?v=3U4CE9xQKmQ). He refers to POST-CAPTIVITY statements of former POWs regarding their preference that they not be rescued if it would endanger others. Keep in mind that until the military says otherwise, Sgt. Bergdahl is innocent and an American soldier and as a former military prosecutor, Representative DeSantis knows this. I suggest one of the “spins” Representative DeSantis intended with this testimony was public assassination of Sgt. Bergdahls character in the absence of a pre-captivity statement or post-capture direct information from Sgt. Bergdahl that he wanted to be rescued even if it means the release of five Taliban detainees. What are the chances there exists such a pre-captivity statement from Sgt. Bergdahl? Regarding post-capture direct information, did Representative DeSantis contact Sgt. Bergdahl prior to Sgt. Bergdahls release to obtain Sgt. Bergdahls thoughts on being rescued in exchange for releasing five Taliban detainees. God forbid, GOD FORBID that Representative DeSantis knew of Sgt. Bergdahls location before the Six American Heroes paid the ultimate price in Afghanistan and five (5) Taliban detainees were released. Representative DeSantis is a politician and appears to be a prime politics example that Mr. Andrews, father of 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews, one of the Six American Heroes, feels may impede the military justice system in which he, Mr. Andrews, testifies he has faith (m.youtube/watch?v=3U4CE9xQKmQ). Representative DeSantis, please stop contributing to the price of war. It a high enough price as it is that American Service Members and their families pay. In connection with Sgt. Bergdahls rescue, Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said that there was a larger matter at play: The American military does not leave soldiers behind. “When you’re in the Navy, and you go overboard, it doesn’t matter if you were pushed, fell or jumped,” he said. “We’re going to turn the ship around and pick you up.” nytimes/2014/06/03/us/us-soldier-srgt-bowe-bergdahl-of-idaho-pow-vanished-angered-his-unit.html Had President Obama not acted as he did when he did in connection with getting Sgt. Bergdahl back into American hands before ISIS activities began in Iraq, I dont believe I am the only person who recognizes the high probability of grave consequences for Sgt. Bergdahl after ISIS activities in Iraq began. It is irrational to hold Sgt. Bergdahl responsible for (1) anything other than what the United States military may find him guilty of, (2) the loss of Six American Heroes who conducted themselves in a manner consistent with Mission, Men & Me, and (3) the release of five Taliban detainees. “JUSTICE FOR ALL” AND “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY,” parts of the foundation upon which the United States of America is built and they are why so many UPSTANDING American Military Service Members have SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES. “MISSION, MEN & ME” AND “LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND,” two, long-standing military expressions that represent incredible commitment, discipline, character, honor, respect and service on the part of UPSTANDING American Military Service Members.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 14:27:32 +0000

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