Jade is the sacred stone of ancient China. The properties of this - TopicsExpress


Jade is the sacred stone of ancient China. The properties of this unique stone and prompt the person to change his essence, behavior. Jade is the engine of our behavior. He will darken in the hand of a man, stubborn in their errors. Jade is credited with the ability to protect the wearer from evil spirits, to ensure longevity and happiness. Recommend wearing a necklace made of jade. Jewelry made of jade in a silver frame will protect against the evil eye. Red jade protects its owner from natural disasters, lightning, earthquakes and fires. The name nephrite is derived from the Greek words nephros - kidney and lapis - stone. The majority of the studied deposits of jade is located in the places of implementation Intrusive (magmatic rocks in serpentinite. Known rare field, where nephrite was formed as a result of the impact of magma on magnesium rich sedimentary the Dolomites. Deposits of jade known on all continents Do not exist in nature tougher and tear ornamental stone than jade. This property is connected with its fibrous structure. This feature is used masters of antiquity, making jade rings, bracelets and even a variety of tools. Later he became one of the favorite stones peoples of Southeast Asia. Jade is widely used for production of household items and religious worship. Has long been valued figurines that deified, served as a subject of worship, fetishes. Jade tiles in the East labels served as an indication of vysokorodnogo their owner. Among the graves of the Far East, archaeologists find sarcophagi, surrounded jade plates (sometimes their number is several thousands). Such records interconnected with gold wire, decorated mummy - popular beliefs is provided to the spirit of the deceased eternity. Jade produced lamps for fragrant oils, figure compositions, bas-reliefs, vessels. For several millennia BC nephrite took a firm place in the culture of China. Already in the second Millennium BC, the Chinese have reached a high level of processing. Jade carved decorations of the nobles, magnificent carved products (vases, table sculpture), household and cult items, decorations of all kinds. Nephrite gave all sorts of supernatural properties, not only medical, but also a cult. Especially prized white jade. Plates from it, covered by a thin thread, hung to a headdress or belt, while walking, they published the melodic sound, chasing away the belief of evil spirits. For Chinese stone carving art typical images of various mythological animals (dragon, Hydra, a unicorn, and others). The highest peak in the art of stone carving in China reached in XVII-XVIII centuries
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:07:39 +0000

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