#Jahr Right Kind Of Wrong PartFive I was eating my dinner - TopicsExpress


#Jahr Right Kind Of Wrong PartFive I was eating my dinner on my lonesome when that particular incident happened. Both my parents decided that it was the perfect night for their date night and I was alone with twenty dollars and a box of frozen pizza. They were being too generous. My phone buzzed and I nearly choked on my cold pizza dough when I saw the name. Obnoxious Psychopath. What the hell. I had my own rules to phone calls. Only answer after the third ring. It made me seem busier and it usually made the caller nervous enough to throw him off when he heard my voice. For Trey, however, I had to make an exception. The first ring. I held my breath. Second ring. Third ring. I held onto my phone harder, waiting for the millisecond to reach the fourth ring. And the fourth ring never happened! My shoulders slouched as my gaze fell. Trey called me and then he just let the phone ring three times before he gave up. That was it? Three rings? In a fit of rage and humiliation, I texted the number. Seriously? ..Only 3 rings? ..What is wrong with you? Not five seconds later, my phone rang again. The same caller-id flashed on the screen and the same heart-palpitation ravaged on my chest. It took my whole willpower to wait for the first, second, third ring. At the impending fourth ring, I closed my eyes. Ring. Hold it hold it. Ring. And then I lost all control and pressed the green button. Hey, freak his voice sounded much, much calmer than the day before. In fact, I could feel the smirk on his voice and it infuriated me. I didnt say anything and my breathing do the talking. Is that how you play the game? You wait until the fourth ring before you answer the phone? Usually its three I corrected him. But youre a massive jerk, so you deserved five. That didnt deliver any blow to him, as it appeared. I knew youd call. Although I hadnt thought that youd take this long to call. How many days has it been? Six? Four. I cursed inwardly as I let my mouth slip. I didnt want him to know that I actually counted and that any of this actually mattered. After all, I had a boyfriend and it was his brother. How did you get my number? he asked. Or let me guess, you pretented to borrow Tys phone? Damnit. He got it right on the first try. One of my friends knew you I fibbed. Yeah? Who? Harry I just called any name on the top of my head. Harry sounded like a very common name. Hmm there was a clicking-pen sound on the other end. Whatever, I knew atleast seven Harrys. Uh-huh I said, masking the fact that I hadnt took a breath in the whole ten secs it took him to anser. Anyway, was it you who called me yesterday morning? Five PM is usually classified as afternoon. He laughed. I just got back at like, nine in the morning, so ykno.. I tried to curb my curiosity about his night-life and asked something else that had been bothering me intensely. So why you asked me to call? This time, it took Trey a whole lot more time to answer. I just want to hear your voice.. finally the words caem out. I scrunched my nose. If I were Tyrese, thats what Id say he continued as he laughed, an indication that his answer was nothing but a joke. Its not funny I never claimed to be funny he answered lightly. And then, there was another awkward pause. I checked the phone to see if he hung up once again but no, the phone was still ongoing. And then, suddenly the statement came. Im interested in you. That was so unexpectedly forward that I was thrown aback. Either my ears gave the wrong signals to my brain or I was dreaming aloud. And it seemed that both possibilities were wrong cause Trey wasnt quite finished yet. So? So what? There was an impatient sign. Your name. I gritted my teeth as my brain cells skidded hard. He didnt even know my name. We had dinner and he came this close into kissing my ear and he wanted me to get his number and he didnt even know my fn name. I closed my eyes as another fit of anger started to boil inside me. I had to decide my attitude fast if I didnt want him to deem me as a doormat. How would I react to his ques? A. play hard to get B. jump to his lap C. Ignore him, cause lets face it, Tyrese was still his brother! And then I chose D, which was brilliant; all three of them. Go to the other side of the world and find out my name, you eeediot. I could hear him breathe in sharply but I didnt give him the chance to speak anymore. I wouldnt want to be the only one working hard on this. It was hard to concentrate on your lessons when you were anticipating something. Today, however, it wasnt the bell that I was looking forward for but the phone from Trey. My hand was below the table, still holding on the phone. I had been texting Tyrese the whole class but I had to admit that every time my phone buzzed, I hoped that it was the other McCarthy. I knew what I was doing was incredibly bishy and if Sienna or my exfriends knew about this, they wouldnt let me live it down. It was english class this time and Mrs. Benard was boring us as the usual with all the lessons about grammar and whatnot. When the next buzz on my phone came. I casually looked at it and nearly fell off my chair when I saw that it wasnt a text from Tyrese and instead Trey calling. My fn god, my fn god. Who the hell decided that it was a good fn idea to call at one in the afterfnnoon?! In just a jolt of secs, my whole body was filled with inexplicable energy. It was weird, it was disgusting how much I let someone affect me this way. I slipped the phone in my pocket and walked to Mrs. Benard. I need to pee I didnt evenbother to decorate my words and before she could even respond, I had bolted out the classroom. I could hear the sound of some guys laughing but I could worry about my image later. What mattered now was I had to find a place to answer Treys call. Now. Azalea Williams Treys voice boomed on my ears as soon as I clicked the green button. But youre usually called Alea. Cool nickname, who gave it to you? You son of a bish I tried to not sound as happy when I found him completing my little mission. Who calls at school hours? Youre at school? the obliviosness at his tone was almmost impossible to feign. So why are you able to answer? Im at the infirmary. Caught abit of a fever I fibbed. Fortunately, my voice was even, my breathing normal. It was a good thing that I was a natural-born bish. Lying was second-nature to me. Lucky me, I guess there was a pause. This time you made me wait eight rings before you picked up. Thats cause I ran to the other end of the hall, you eeediot! You should be grateful that I even picked up. So who chose your nickname, Azalea? My nose scrunched as I heard the name. Its been such a long time since someone called me by my full name. The very first person who called me Alea was Sienna, a few years ago, when she decided that the extra za in my name was unnecessarily hard to pronounce. The first time I heard it, I didnt really like the name cause it sounded like a plant. But then people really started to like Alea and they agreed the extra za was hard tt pronounce and in kess than three months, I had a brand new name for myself. Someone I decided to go with that. Where did you get my name? You looked up Tyreses blog? How can I? I dont even know the password his answer came quick. One of my friends knew you. Who? Sienna. Sif there was an invisible knife cutting through my chest, my whole energy was depleted. The initial high from the previous euphoria was now all gone, leaving her body empty. I leant on the wall for support, part of me not believing what I just heard. Sienna? Sienna? He knew Sienna? Dont lie to me, you saw Tyreses blog There was a long, uncomfortable silence following that statment. Finally tho Trey started to laugh. It took him about fifteen secs before his laughing calmed down abit and his words came through. Alright, you caught me, detective. Why the hell did you lie? You started it first he answered defensively. Everybody with the name of Harry hates me. I couldnt see Treys face but I could already tell that he was smirking his pompous smirk. So, be honest with me, how did you get my number? Tyreses phone I answered. Where did you get Tyreses blogs pw? I did abit of hacking here and there, beneath this tattooed exterior is a true nerd his words flew faster than before. Youre not at the infirmary? This time, it was abit harder to answer honestly but since I was down the rabbit hole, I figured what the hell. The corner of the school. I pretended to go to the toilet when you called. You? Still in front of Tyreses laptop? Youre such a confident little prissy Trey said with abit of awe. That was when I realised that he might share my predicamant, after all. That he had also been working hard to get to know me too and that allowing me to know his hard work meant that he was lowering his pride. Yeah he answered anyway lots of your photos here. Lots of stories about you, too, you miss popular. For some strange reason, the idea of Trey, a partial stranger, knowing things about me wasnt such a scary notion aftyer all. Did you stay up late to guess the pw? Its not your turn to ask quesions he protested. Why did you bother getting my number? I answered him. Why did you bother staying up late to guess Tyreses blogs pw? And like I thought, Trey only laughed and changed bthe topic of the convo. Ego-ridden baskets, we were.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 07:09:17 +0000

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