James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame, it is an unruly evil, - TopicsExpress


James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame, it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Be careful how you speak about others. Once the words leave your lips like a bird in flight, you cannot get it back. Your words can build up a person, or it can tear down. That little red thing in your mouth is tied to a couple of things one is your heart. If you are happy, then words expressing your joy will leave your lips. If youre angry, words of frustration will come from your lips. The tongue can make you gentle as a giant, and the the tongue can turn you into a fire breathing dragon. Words can Pierce a heart like an arrow either filling the heart with laughter, tears of joy, tears of pain, or anger. The tongue is also tied to the mind. If the brain is uninformed, then the tongue will speak out of turn and carelessly. Hearsay places the tongue at the center of attention because it is looking for an audience that can laugh during its period of ridicule. The tongue regardless to whom is speaking has a way of making one say I wish he or she would shut up or the tongue can make one shout out preach . The tongue if it could be tamed, some people who are sleeping in their grave today, would be amongst us, because what someone said to them that was painful or untrue, sent them in a violent rage or placed them in harms way. The tongue can be sassy, strong and boastful. The tongue can lash like a whip full of razors. The tongue claims at times to possess bragging rights, and the tongue is also full of bull @%. All in all the tongue can be your friend or your enemy. For that little red thing in your mouth can get you in a lot of trouble. Be careful what you say to people and how you say things to people because regardless to what people may say, sticks and stones not may but will break your bones, and words can kill you. I thought you should know.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 15:46:04 +0000

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