James 4:8: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse - TopicsExpress


James 4:8: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. There’s no denying that a moving spiritual song can lift one’s spirit; an eloquent sermon can encourage; a dynamic sermon can move one to conviction; a monetary gift can assist someone in need; a helping hand of any capacity can alleviate stress or even a profoundly correct prophetic utterance can bring one back to God. However, as good as all of that may be (and is in its place), nothing can sustain a person’s walk with God other than drawing near unto His heart on a daily basis on purpose. Nothing can replace conversing with Yahweh, reading His Word with the purpose of gaining supernatural insight, wisdom and revelation, and seeking His face when no one is around whether your circumstances are good or bad. All the good deeds, great messages, prophetic utterances, prayers, healings, gifts, and so on are only as good as you allow them to be. If you don’t take your relationship with the Holy Spirit to the next level of your own volition, all of the above are as good as worthless. Being uplifted in a particular moment is temporary. Developing a close, intimate, personal walk with God by seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness is everlasting. ~A.V. Wolf
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 13:35:23 +0000

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