James Brewer, HPA Athlete and Exclusive Coaching Client under Evan - TopicsExpress


James Brewer, HPA Athlete and Exclusive Coaching Client under Evan Peikon, with a 326lb Power Clean PR followed by a full clean (session details below). A. Power Clean + Clean; build to a tough set (drop b/w reps) B. Deadlift Cluster; [3.3]x5; rest 20s/2m + For Time: 10 HSPU @10 Deficit 15 C2B Pullups 10 HSPU @4 Deficit 15 C2B Pullups 10 HSPU For this cycle we have worked with an alternating week approach where the characteristics for A and B weeks are as follows... Week (A)- Clean Battery (CP- Based) Deadlift Intense/ Gymnastic Push Battery 70% Respiration Piece w/ cycle and low tension modalities Sample (A) Week A. Hang Clean; [2.2.2]x5; rest 10s/2m B1. Deadlift; 3x3; rest 60s B2. Defecit HSPU; [2.2]x3; rest 60s + 3 Sets @70% 500m Row 60m Bear Crawl 15 Alternating Step Ups 3:00 Bike Walk/ rest 60-90s b/w sets Week (B): Clean Intense Deadlift Battery Grinder Metcon w/ Push Gymnastic Focus -Sample week featured above The focuses for this training cycle are aerobic base development, muscular endurance, and CP-Battery development with low(er) loads relative to James maxes. While we are using methods that would be deemed unconventional in order to further develop James lifts, we are doing so in the context of a well periodized concurrent training model based on his INDIVIDUAL physiology (as determined through various tests). Consequently, allowing him to improve in multiple areas without sacrificing any one individually. For more information on our FREE Crossfit (and NPGL) specialized competitors programs or our Exclusive Coaching Services check out the following links! hp-athlete/competitors-blog/ hp-athlete/exclusive-coaching/ Onward, High Performance Athlete
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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