January 14, 2015 Wednesday Daily Devotional - TopicsExpress


January 14, 2015 Wednesday Daily Devotional BLESS, NOT CURSE BLESS THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU; BLESS AND DO NOT CURSE THEM. ROMANS 12: 14 (NRSV) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Today I will look for the image of God in everyone I meet. Soemtimes it seems as if every day we encounter a difficult person---whether a co-worker, a neighbor, or a family member. We may try to avoid them, complain about them, or even confront the one who offends us. we may spend a tremendous amount of time allowing our conflict with this person to rob us of our joy and energy. Jesus said, In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16 :33),NIV). In Christ we will have peace. When faced with a difflcult person we can remember that we are not to imitate what is evil but what is good (John 1 :11 NIV). As difficult as it may seem, we are to speak blessing on the other person---for God blesses those who bless others. Instead of focusing on someones negative attributes, we can find at least one trait that we admire or respect about the person. Maybe theyre a hard worker or a talented musician or a caring grandparent. Instead of gossiping about other people or arguing with them, we can pray for them. We cloud Gods light when we allow anger or insensitivity to control us. Once we start focusing on the positive and turn to God in prayer, Gods love can shine through us. PRAYER: Dear Lord, help us to speak blessings on those we find difficult to love. Teach us to pray for them. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. This Devotional came from the UPPER ROOM.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:39:26 +0000

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