January 15, 2015 Maintaining Your Mind ...renewing... - Romans - TopicsExpress


January 15, 2015 Maintaining Your Mind ...renewing... - Romans 12: 2 Your mind is a yard which must be maintained. It would be great if your grass only had to be mowed once a year, but it doesnt because it must be maintained. It would be lovely if all of your leaves fell on one day and could be gathered on the next, but they dont because they must be maintained. It would be marvelous if your mulch automatically replenished and replaced itself, but it doesnt because it must be maintained. As it is with your yard, so it is with your mind. Your mind must be maintained. That newness which you noticed on the night that you were saved does not last. It must be maintained. That cleansing you sensed when you first accepted Christ does not remain. It must be maintained. That oneness you experienced with the Lord when you first felt the Spirit does not linger long. It must be maintained. That is why Paul reminds the Romans that they are to be transformed by the renewing of their mind. This verb is in the present progressive tense. This renewing is not a once and for all event. It is a constant and conscious consecrating which will continue for a life time. With the cooperation of and at the direction of the Holy Spirit, you can renew your mind by: Weeding. Some weeds are sown into your mind by the Adversary. Some weeds are blown into your mind by the wind. Some weeds are thrown into your mind by you. Yet, these foreign thoughts, idle ideas and immoral impressions must be killed before they are allowed to sprout or pulled before they are able to bloom into ungodly deeds. Feeding. There are great values growing in your mind. There are presently positive principles which have been planted in your mind. There is already a wealth of wisdom in your mind. Unlike the weeds which are to be discarded, these should be guarded, encouraged, watered, fertilized and fed. Seeding. In the rough places, the bare places and the worn places, new seeds can be sown and new flowers can be planted. In a mind that is being renewed, there is room for maturity, variety, and creativity. You need not be limited to what has already been. You are free, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to add new life to your mind with fresh ideas, unique exposures and new revelation. Only remember, your mind is a yard and it must be maintained.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:14:34 +0000

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