Jarrett Explains Current Events: ISIS (tl;dr) The Islamic State - TopicsExpress


Jarrett Explains Current Events: ISIS (tl;dr) The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is a growing movement in the Middle East known colloquially as ISIS, and hopes to bring about Fundementalist Islamic rule throughout Muslim areas in that part of the world by use of terror and brute force. But ISIS isnt an accident, nor are they a group of random crazies. Rather, it was born though trial and error, thanks to many ups and downs of the radical Islamic movements flowing through the area over the past decade or so. As far as their presence in Iraq is concerned, ISIS is comprised mostly of ex-Al-Qaeda members who were deemed too extreme for the notorious terrorist group. ISIS is funded primarily through organized crime and oil rackets, as well as resources taken from ares they occupy. They are direct conflict with the Shia (a denomination of Islam) governments in Iraq and Syria, and blame them for the lack of what they feel is proper Islamic rule. Them being Sunni (another, less politically represented denomination of Islam in Iraq and Syria), they tend to speak for the entire Sunni population there, even if the major majority of the people dont ally with their ideologies. ISIS rise was aided by the strategic exploitation of many conflicts in the area, like the Syrian Civil War, and the fall of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and have capitalized on the confusion left in these regions, usually by assimilating already existing tensions between the people and the government. This being said, ISIS are NOT rebels. Especially in Syria, where there is a prominent, if weaker, rebellion caught in the middle of the ISIS/Bashir-al Assad (ruling political leader) conflict. The actual rebels there are getting it from both ISIS and the government, which might make ISIS and Assad more strange bedfellows than actual enemies since the only people actively getting hurt are real rebels and civilians. You cant bomb away a problem that is, intrinsically, political. Nor can you send troops in the dick kick everyone, because American occupation has proven to only leave opportunity for more unrest down the line. Military action alone will only cut off the direct conflict right now, but leaves the roots in place to grow into something ISIS-like down the road. ISIS has to be stopped by the governments who are in the direct path of their barbarism, because its their instability that keeps giving rise to these sorts of things. How does that happen? Who knows. I just wanted to clear up the misconceptions that I think some of my friends have about just whats going on over there.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:51:15 +0000

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