Javeys has been trying to introduce fresh henna in Luton since - TopicsExpress


Javeys has been trying to introduce fresh henna in Luton since 2009. Why FRESH HENNA ... when i started my henna career professionally i used to see other henna artist`s work thinking my henna doesn`t look like them , my finishing results are never like them . After months of research i found out that henna you buy from shop floor is never fresh and its full of chemicals . well because i was fully insured i thought if some one has reaction my insurance company will never cover me .. Then i tried different recipes , henna powders, a lot of disasters , a lot of hard work, a lot of disappointments. i cam up with one recipe and one henna powder. It s very hard to introduce new things in the market when people are so used to quick fixes ..(FULL OF CHEMICALS HENNA CONES) Well there s no comparison between fresh and ready made factory sealed henna but for the sake of it here are some points.... * Ready made henna give you quick colour and fades away with in one day *Leaves very nasty yellow colour on the skin, *i have personally experienced that where ever the pattern is it leaves skin very itchy and dry * As it s full of chemicals we dont know if it s safe for kids or pregnant women. * Always clogs, never smooth, very runny, Always playing up , taking up alot of your precious time FRESH HENNA *First of all it s freshly made *All reputable henna suppliers have crop dates on the cones or henna powder *Thy use 100% natural henna powder which is like baby powder *New Henna artists may think the tubes are smaller than regular tubes you buy from the shops but believe me one tube will cover 3 sides of bridal henna up to elbow, AND YOU WILL USE THE LAST DROP OF IT. *Fresh henna tubes are hand made and always made fresh for each order *it give you colours with in 48 hours( this is what natural henna is supposed to do ) *It stays on for 2 weeks if you take care of it, and fades away slowly, does not leave yellow marks on the skin when its old. *Gives you pleasure that you have given good services:) *DESIGN IS ALOT NEATER THAN SHOP HENNA *All henna cones sellers make sure thy use good quality ingredients in their recipe ******AND A LOT MORE******* *LAST BUT NOT LEAST I BELIEVE IF A BRIDE IS GIVING OVER £100 FOR HENNA APPLICATION THEN IT S HENNA ARTIST`S RESPONSIBILITY TO GIVE THEM BEST SERVICES POSSIBLE ...... javeysbridalacademy.co.uk
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 12:21:01 +0000

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