Jazz is a very structured genre of music. Though best known for - TopicsExpress


Jazz is a very structured genre of music. Though best known for the space given for melodic improvisation, it is within the context of rhythmic and harmonic structure that the improvisation makes sense. When a congregation gathers for worship, its possible to have two extremes. One where everything is structured and there is no room for improvisation and the other where everything is improvised but makes little sense. Jazz music provides a helpful metaphor for a better (I think) approach. Much of the service should be planned: songs, prayers, readings, the message, communion, etc. But there should be space allocated within that structure where there isnt much of a plan, where appointed leaders can step in and facilitate what God is doing in the moment. Both elements, the planning of structure and the planned improvisation, will require the presence and leading of the Holy Spirit.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 21:38:40 +0000

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