Je suis Charlie Hebdo............ NOW even conservatives are - TopicsExpress


Je suis Charlie Hebdo............ NOW even conservatives are identifying with the ruthless attack in Paris..... BRAVO FRANCE for your rapid and decisive containment of these terrorists on French soil. In America today, President Obamas daughters T-Shirt, and Teapublican rhetoric concerning said T-Shirt : NON NEWS seems almost more important than the Charlie Hebdo news ....... I renew my plea from November 23, 2014 for every individual to demand their nations to continue forming international coalitions to contain ISIS, ISIL, all misguided extremist killing in the name of ISLAM everywhere and by any name. These terrorist do not represent Islam. Charlie Hebdo made the worldwide news...... this issue in Libya from November 2014 did not. Friends and Future Friends Please Watch this CNN news CLIP : Please tell your American Congressmen, your National Leaders in the EU and elsewhere, you want worldwide cooperation to neutralize terrorists. Our inaction allows this festering cauldron of Hatred to continue to grow and strengthen. American Congress Benghazis burning embassy is old news and does not require a minute more of your time, not one more investigation nor one more penny of Americas precious resources. The ISIS calling card is beheading, that is what they understand : NOT drone strikes. America cannot be the world POLICEMAN, nor does the WORLD want that. Or do they? Seems Turkey, FSA and SMC all felt betrayed because America didnt show up with bombs blasting , guns blazing and accomplish regime change for them. This CNN clip was NOVEMBER 2014, in Derna , Libya. ISIS is in Control. It is time to arm and aid these struggling countries being taken over by terrorists in the vacuum created by the displaced despots, Muhammar Qaddafi, Saddam Hussein, and the crimes against humanity ,Syrian, tyrant : Bashar Assad, who is now allied and in collusion with ISIS. We need to arm the right combatants who need to protect themselves. Why does the WORLD think FSA, SMC cannot fight to protect itself? Because they are a bunch of farmers or poorly educated is what I hear. They have given up on America, or America has given up on them. Whatever: Is that something I need to know or understand. What I understand is in Syria they are the ones with the most to lose. They need the same kind of help America did in the period 1760-80 when France came to Americas aid. Do I need to remind you the most dangerous marksmen in our American War for Independence were farmers, hunters, frontiersmen, many uneducated, but with a new technology at the time, increased accuracy of American long rifles. ISIS technology is TERROR which has been around for eons , and some pretty sophisticated American weaponry donated to ISIS by the well trained Iraqi Army that America left behind in there rush to leave with honor. Dealing with ISIS; dealing with any terrorist group is like dealing with the EBOLA. It cannot be controlled effectively unless attacked at it source. Shall the world wait until the countries under terrorist attack and infiltration are Tunisia, Morocco, the UAE or Saudi Arabia, or perhaps Portugal or Spain or France or do we draw the line at England...Each day we waste now only makes the soIution and the price to HUMANITY that much more expensive. If you dont think all of the countries named are not already being infiltrated and attacked we must not be watching the same news, reading the same papers and magazines. My sphere of influence is exhausted, not re-elected or unlikely to be re-elected, or it wasnt their priority. I have talked to, written to, every politician who could contribute at the level this needs to be dealt with. Please use your sphere of influence wherever you are my friends in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Eurasia. IT IS ALL OF OURS to solve; by our nations forming alliances and dealing with these issues at their sources. We will win the fight with EBOLA because of BRAVE HEROES who have put their LIVES in harms way to contain EBOLA quickly and effectively. In that same way we must contain Terrorism by whatever name. It is time to address ISIS decisively at its source. Why is Bashar Assad still a free man, enabled to continue the genocide, ethnic cleansing, or whatever you want to call it ? He is gassing and poisoning the citizens of his own country with impunity? I thought the world had had enough of that already and said never again after WWI. Are you not outraged? When does the WORLD say enough to ISIS? Or the next Al Qaeda, or the next ISIS, ISIL... John Galt was civilized idea: Genghis Kahn was not? Idealogically we are dealing with the amassing of wealth and power by stealing it, at the speed and style of the latter. The world is a smaller place than in those days of Genghis Kahn. We have instantaneous worldwide communications. Terrorism should not be succeeding like it is. It succeeds like a bully succeeds: because we let it. Because it is not our problem until it is. I think it is now.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:52:49 +0000

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