Jeg udsendte for nyligt en invitation til deltagelse i - TopicsExpress


Jeg udsendte for nyligt en invitation til deltagelse i Starkweather-Moore ekspeditionen til min gruppe. Telegrammet (der er printet på pap-agtigt papir, og med individuelle serie numre) blev afsendt alene, og indeholdt en kort invitation, med løfte om opfølgning, hvorefter jeg afsendte et brev med resten nogle dage senere (til henholdsvis, Brasilia, Birmingham, London, København og Paris). Pakken indeholdt et kort over Antarktisk (periode korrekt til tidlig 1930ere selvfølgeligt), to avis artikler (på avis papir naturligvis, jeg kan ikke prale af at have designet dem, men det tog en del tid at få det rigtige papir og få dem printet korrekt på begge sider), et tre siders brev fra Moore der detaljere ham og Starkweathers forhold samt ekspeditionens formål og udrustning og en kort note fra Starkweather, samt et pas og en USB pingvin. Her følger beskrivelsen af indholdet af pingvinen fra andetsteds: The USB key contains a custom 40-page National Geographic from 1931, covering the Miskatonic expedition, interspersed with photos from the mountains and Lakes camp (this is an edited version of the Antarctic guide from the BtMoM book, from which I removed all rules and anything that can spoil the story). Theres also a 12-minute recording of the Wireless transmissions from Lakes camp (I cut up a radio play and aged the recording significantly, and overlaid it with appropriate sound effects, such as actual barking sled dogs), as well as a 20-minute recording of Worldwide Wireless Newss interviews (same with this, although I also interspersed it with musical interludes) with the expedition members and other coverage. Theres also a 10-minute Newsreel covering the expedition (Thank you HPLHS). Finally theres a 90-minute soundtrack I put together as well as some radio plays of Lovecrafts stories (Including Erdenstern, Goldenthal, Desplat, Goldsmith, Ligeti, Beltrami and the sound of actual Antarctic wind). Finally I included a version of Players Guide to Trail of Cthulhu in which I removed all references to At the Mountains of Madness. And of course, I made sure all the files and folders have appropriate icons on both Windows and OS X, wherever possible.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 04:21:53 +0000

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