Jennifer Nneka Pratt: Oh Lord, When Will I Get Married? Im A - TopicsExpress


Jennifer Nneka Pratt: Oh Lord, When Will I Get Married? Im A Year Older This Year Again! A married woman was sharing with me recently in a program I went to speak about her marital difficulties! Shes been married for over 10 years but never have peace and joy from the beginning of her marriage because she got married to someone who wasnt meant for him out of pressure! Her husband beats her like a baby anytime he is drunk and he is also an addicted womanizer. She said her marriage is like hell on earth! When she was 30, she became extremely desperate to say yes to any man that ask her hand in marriage. She said yes to a man she didnt know because she thought she was getting older! Now shes married but its too late to go back. My dear, age is not a proper reason for going into marriage. Our world is a very strange one with very terrible values. To be eighteen or above & not be in a relationship is viewed as rather strange. Marriage is not necessarily about age.Those who are impatient to get married have a problem that only time can reveal. There is nothing like a perfect age for getting married. There is no law in the bible that says Thou Shall Marry At 25 It is better to marry an angel at 35 than to rush and marry a devil when you are 25years old. Be careful of pressure from your parents and friends. Whatever is not worth waiting for is not worth having. Be patient and wait on God. Impatience has three legs but it can never run in the same direction. For the single ladies, I know It is so frustrating and painful to bear when you know you have all it takes to be a good wife but there is no man coming or available to be called your husband but thats not enough reason to jump into a marriage thats doomed to fail just because you want to marry! There is hope for you dear. Dont lose your faith. Even if they mock you because you are single, just tell them this: God is just busy writing the best love story that will sweep me off my feet God cares about your marital destiny! You mean so much to your Maker. God loves u&He is working things out for your good. Your sorrow is His sorrow&your joy is His delight. So stop crying! For I know that your Redeemer lives, & that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth to glorify you and confuse you mockers! STAY ON TRACK. While others rush in haste, RUN STEADILY. Don’t be envious of other peoples wedding testimonies. REJOICE WITH THOSE WHO REJOICE. Remember: Blowing out anothers candle won’t make yours shine brighter. LIGHT YOUR OWN CANDLE. Be at peace with yourself. Some may step ahead of you but God will not pass you by. YOUR DAY OF VISITATION IS COMING. Stay on track. You’re not late. You’re not behind. Yes I Do! Is a very short sentence but it should come after a very long consideration. You Will Not Make Marital Mistakes In Jesus Name
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 09:09:32 +0000

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