Jensen talked about the responsibility that he and Jared feel for - TopicsExpress


Jensen talked about the responsibility that he and Jared feel for maintaining ‘quality control’ of the Show – they don’t need to have producer credits, they just care that much about Supernatural after all this time, and everyone involved with the Show knows it. It sounds like the rest of the cast and crew, as well as the writers and producers “down south” in LA, trust Jared and Jensen to make some decisions that always have the best interest of the Show in mind. After nine years, it’s clear that SPN is pretty extraordinary in that respect. What storylines would Jensen still like to see play out for Dean? Jensen said that of course he wishes John could come back, but allowed that’s probably unlikely. He also thought the Benny and Purgatory story line wasn’t thoroughly played out, and had more potential. We agree on both counts. A fan asked whether it was harder to play Dean as a hero or as the darker character he’s been this season. Jensen said that what’s actually most difficult is to play both sides of Dean and yet maintain continuity so that you’re still playing the same character. (Which probably wouldn’t occur to most of us who are not actors, but makes a lot of sense). Home About Us Jensen Ackles at Supernatural DC Con May 6, 2014 tags: Convention, DCCon, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Supernatural jensen standing We’re still having con letdown 24 hours after returning from the Creation Supernatural convention in Washington D.C. (actually Arlington, Virginia, but close enough) – it was a freaking fantastic con! One of the best ones we’ve been to. We’ll write up more coverage when we can catch our breath, but for now, a few con highlights. One was having a chance for not one, not two, but THREE fangirl dinners (and some excellent fanboy chats too) – all of them filled with spirited discussion about SPN, where Season 9 is headed and whether we’ll all survive it. There’s nothing better than a table full of fans analyzing the smallest moments, debating their significance, sharing intricate theories, challenging and validating each other’s thinky thoughts. It’s exhilarating! Also exhilarating (in more ways than one, only some of them cognitive…) was Jensen’s meet and greet. As always, no notes allowed, but here are a few tidbits, and my own questions and Jensen’s answers. Jensen talked about the responsibility that he and Jared feel for maintaining ‘quality control’ of the Show – they don’t need to have producer credits, they just care that much about Supernatural after all this time, and everyone involved with the Show knows it. It sounds like the rest of the cast and crew, as well as the writers and producers “down south” in LA, trust Jared and Jensen to make some decisions that always have the best interest of the Show in mind. After nine years, it’s clear that SPN is pretty extraordinary in that respect. Jared and Jensen Jared and Jensen Jensen also talked a bit, both in the meet and greet and in the afternoon panel, about busting Misha when he directed – in fact, they apparently went so far that they both apologized to him the next day. In the panel, Jensen pulled out his phone and read off some of the pranks that he and Jared had planned out (which are a real feat of creative evil genius, btw. They could teach the Winchesters a thing or two about pranking!) In the meet and greet, he confessed to one entire day of not letting Misha get any lines out. Every time the coverage was on Misha above the waist, and Jared and Jensen were on the other side, Jared’s foot would be in Misha’s crotch, making it impossible for him not to crack. Even the crew got in on the tormenting – the camera operator at one point started doing hip thrusts while filming. Jensen helpfully jumped up to demonstrate said hip thrusts. Fans: *are momentarily rendered speechless* When everyone eventually recovered the power of speech, talk turned to the Show. What storylines would Jensen still like to see play out for Dean? Jensen said that of course he wishes John could come back, but allowed that’s probably unlikely. He also thought the Benny and Purgatory story line wasn’t thoroughly played out, and had more potential. We agree on both counts. There were quite a few questions about Dean, which made Lynn a very happy fangirl. A fan asked whether it was harder to play Dean as a hero or as the darker character he’s been this season. Jensen said that what’s actually most difficult is to play both sides of Dean and yet maintain continuity so that you’re still playing the same character. (Which probably wouldn’t occur to most of us who are not actors, but makes a lot of sense). Another question was about Sam and Dean’s relationship, and whether it was threatened in S9. Jensen said no, not threatened – but much like when Sam was addicted to the demon blood and Dean wanted to protect him, right now Sam is worried about Dean and protective. It’s not about whether the brothers love each other, but more about Sam’s concern, and whether Sam will have to step in and pull his brother back. Lynn: Is Dean feeling okay about what Sam said to him earlier this season, then? About not being brothers and about Dean being selfish and only saving Sam because he didn’t want to be alone? Jensen: No, I don’t think he’s over it, it’s still there, like a gaping wound. I think it plays into his decisions – like he has nothing left to lose… Lynn: But we’re almost to the end of the season, we only have three episodes more to air, and I’m wondering how far we’ll get with the story line. Did you, as an actor, feel satisfied with what you got to play out this season, now that you’ve completed filming? Jensen: Well, let me say this. I got to the last script, and just went ‘Oh. Wow. Oh wow. They went there.’ And that’s not something I often say. Lynn: (possibly open-mouthed. Literally) OMG! Jensen: (with a definite smirk) So…. Enjoy! -Munia
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 17:50:05 +0000

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