Jer 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says - TopicsExpress


Jer 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end...... Its so sad to see so many Christians using a scripture written about Israel, whom GOD is going to have taken in exile to Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar for seventy years, as their life verse or verse for the new year. The problem stems from people being taught to use the Bible as a devotional and not as a book which is both historic and prophetic to a nation, which are the chosen and elect of GOD. Its about real people long before CHRIST came in the flesh, before HE offered them a Kingdom that was written about and promised, yet rejected by them. Before it was ever known that GOD was in CHRIST reconciling the world to himself. No longer dealing with a nation ( which Jeremiah was a prophet for ) but individuals- neither Jew or Gentile but a new creature. This is so important to understand here, otherwise you are never truly growing in the truth and in what GOD is actually doing today compared with when HE only dealt with a nation, HIS chosen and elect. Which leads me to this distinction that most people really arent after the truth- they really only want to be convinced that what they believe is true. While its true GOD does have thoughts about you and for you and they surely dont include evil, because while you were yet a sinner CHRIST died for you! There is plenty of good scripture written for you to grow you up in the ways of GOD, spiritually... Where are they? Well you do understand that Paul is the Apostle for us- right? And by us it doesnt just mean the Gentiles, because JESUS made it clear after HE saved Paul on the road to Damascus, just whom HE was to go to. Acts 9;15 But the LORD said to him ( Ananias ) Go your way: for he is (Paul) a chosen vessel to ME ( now pay attention here) to bear MY NAME before the Gentiles ( remember the Gentiles is really the rest of the world who are considered dogs for their pagan worship and unbelief in the true GOD ) the Kings ( leaders of this world) and here it is; THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL... Oh and to fully understand how its pretty clear most Christiandom does not take seriously that Paul is the Apostle for us in this dispensation of grace, which is really GOD long suffering for the world to come to the knowledge of CHRIST as Savior! It says in the following verse in Acts 9:16 For I will show him ( Paul) the great things he must suffer in my names sake... Clearly throughout Pauls writings ( which are the inspired words of GOD) we see how he suffered both in the flesh by this grace and the Gospel given to him, but also suffered in the severe sense of being treated not like an Apostle, but rather as a false Apostle, having time and time again ( including in this day) people who have turned away from his teachings and back to the law. Do you understand that right now its still happening? People blow past his epistles and continually hold tight to the Old Testament and the 4 Gospels today, only using the scriptures given to Paul when its convenient to them... I have 4 grandchildren whom I love dearly and yet they say and do things because of their age, and its both cute and precious to me, but its not cute or precious to see grown Christians continue as children being tossed about with every wind of doctrine. At least my grandchildren want to learn and grow in the truth.. If only others who claim to be Christians would really want to grow in the truth. But then again scripture makes it clear most people know that there is a GOD, because GOD has made HIMSELF known to them- but still they just want to make GOD into something HE isnt- but is what is acceptable to them... Just as the very people of Israel did, after being led out of Egypt and seeing all miracles of GOD-Decided to instead make a GOD out of gold into a calf- one they could shape and mould... You want to know a verse that is equivalent to the verse of Jeremiah for today is? 1 Tim 2:3-7 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of GOD our SAVIOR; Who will have ALL men come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one GOD, and ONE mediator between GOD and men, the man CHRIST JESUS. Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Wherein I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle ( I speak the truth in CHRIST, and lie not) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.... Please understand that Israel didnt accept CHRIST as their Messiah- they had HIM crucified. Look at that nation today- is CHRIST the one they believe in? The answer is no.... They never understood the works of GOD and how everything was prophesied and done for one purpose to reveal CHRIST.... There will be a day when each of us will stand before CHRIST- and will be judged by what we did by the Gospel... Dont believe me? Then its clear you havent read the epistles of Paul as they were intended, for your growth in spirit and truth in our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.... Read Romans through Philemon and see what GOD is truly doing.... May your eyes be opened to the truth...
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:07:58 +0000

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