Jeremiah 33 begins with Jeremiah “still confined in the - TopicsExpress


Jeremiah 33 begins with Jeremiah “still confined in the courtyard of the guard.” During this time, the Lord gives him a message, “Ask of me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” (vs. 3) I’ve heard Jeremiah 33:3 quoted repeatedly throughout my life. However, I never noticed that God offered that extraordinary promise while Jeremiah was still in confinement. What was Jeremiah doing under palace guard? In the 18th year of King Nebuchadnezzar, Jerusalem was under siege by his Babylonian army. At that time, King Zedekiah of Judah put Jeremiah under palace guard because he didn’t like what the prophet was saying. Jeremiah continuously prophesied doom and destruction for King Zedekiah and Jerusalem.Time passed. Jeremiah refused to change his prophecy, and we find the prophet is still in confinement. Can you relate? Perhaps you’re following God’s will and even preaching God’s word. Nevertheless, it feels like you’re being punished. Maybe you feel like you are still in confinement. Maybe you are still waiting for your “prison” break. Maybe you are still desperate to hear from God. Not only was Jeremiah still confined, but his confinement forced him to be still. First, in that prison-like place, God’s voice became clear to Jeremiah. The same goes for us. We need to utilize that quiet place of so-called confinement as a time to hear from God. Being temporarily “benched” gives you the time and the clarity to write words inspired by the Holy Spirit, the One who speaks in that “still, small voice.” As we surrender during times of confinement, God’s ultimate purpose is to give us a deeper revelation of Jesus. As the Lord’s message continues to Jeremiah, God begins to reveal the coming Messiah. “In those days. . . I will raise up a righteous descendant from King David’s line. He will do what is just and right.” (Jer. 33:15) Talk about a remarkable secret! There is no greater revelation than a revelation of Jesus Christ! Jeremiah’s prophecy that began with doom and gloom shifts to salvation, restoration, and a new Jerusalem! God will reveal himself to you. Sometimes as the “Teacher,” “Mighty-God,” “Strong-tower and Refuge,” “Creative-idea God,” “Shield and defender,” Lover of my soul”—whatever you need him to be that day, Jesus is more than enough. If you’re still in confinement, choose to be still in God’s presence. You can expect a revelation of Jesus and a new, sweet intimacy with Him that will make your prison time worthwhile! PRAYER Father in heaven, I stand still before you today. Thank you that you are my All Sufficient God who does exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or imagine. I incline my ears to hear you now and I pray you will tell and show me the great and mighty things that I do not know. Strengthen me to receive your truth as you have done for your servant Daniel and I praise your name for the wisdom to glorify you, in Jesus name, Amen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 20:47:10 +0000

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