Jesus has two natures - God and Man The first truth we - TopicsExpress


Jesus has two natures - God and Man The first truth we must understand is that Jesus is one Person with two natures - the divine nature and human nature . In other words , Jesus is both God and Man . Let us see clearly each nature Jesus is God The Bible teaches that Jesus is not just someone who is very similar to God , or who walks closely with God . Instead , Jesus is God Almighty . After seeing the resurrected Christ , Thomas exclaimed, "My Lord and my God " ( John 20:28 ) . Similarly , the Book of Hebrews gives us the exact testimony of God the Father , when he says : " They shall perish , but thou shalt endure and all of them , like clothes, get old , and roll them up like a garment , and they shall be changed . But you are the same , and thy years shall not fail . and which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand , until I make thine enemies thy footstool ? " ( Hebrews 1:11-13 ) . In John 1:18 , we read John calling Jesus " the only begotten Son , which is in the bosom of the Father ." Another way in which the Bible teaches that Jesus is God is showing that He possesses all the divine attributes . He knows all things ( Matthew 18:20 , 28:20 , Acts 18:10) , He is everywhere ( Matthew 8:26, 27 , 28:18 , John 11:38-44 , Luke 7:14 - 15 , Revelation 1:8 ) . It does not depend on anything outside of Himself , to have life ( John 1:14 , 14:6, 8:58) . He governs all things ( Matthew 28:18 , Revelation 19:16; 1:5 ) . He never had a beginning or end of existence (John 1:1, 8:58) . He is the Creator of all things ( Colossians 1:16 ) . In other words , Jesus is all that God is , also , because He is God ! Specifically , Jesus is God the Son To get a better understanding of the Incarnation of Christ is necessary to have some understanding of the Trinity . The Doctrine of the Trinity states that God is a Being who exists in three distinct Persons . First of all , this means that we must distinguish each of the Persons of the Trinity of the other two . The Father is not the Son, nor is the Holy Spirit . The Son is not the Holy Spirit is neither the Father The Holy Spirit is not the Father nor the Son . Each of these is a distinct center of consciousness. However , they share exactly the same nature / divine essence . Thus , the three persons are one Being Being / Divine essence is not something split between persons as if each person received third . Instead , the Divine Being is complete and equally owned by three persons , so that the three persons are fully and equally God. Like the fact that God is three Persons in one Being relates to the Incarnation ? To answer this we must consider another question: which of the three Persons became incarnate as Jesus Christ? All three ? Or just one? Which one ? The biblical answer is that only the Son became incarnate . The Father became incarnate in Jesus nor did the Holy Spirit . Thus , Jesus is God, but is not the Father, nor is the Holy Spirit . Jesus is God the Son . The fact that only the Son became incarnate is taught , for example , in John 1:14 : " And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us , and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten of the Father , full of grace and truth . " In context, the "Word " ( Word ) of God is God the Son ( As John 1:1, 18 and 3:16) . Thus , it was not the Father nor the Holy Spirit Became man, but God the Son . Thus , in the baptism of Jesus , we see the Father saying : " Thou art my beloved Son , in thee I am well pleased " ( Luke 3:22 ) . He said : " You Am I , and it is with me I am well pleased ." instead , Jesus said that the Father is the Son , that He and the Father is well pleased . During the same verse, yet we see that the Holy Spirit is distinct from the Father and the Son , because He manifested Himself in " bodily form like dove. " Why is it important to know that Jesus is specifically God the Son ? For one thing, if we understand , commit no mistake about the true identity of our Savior . Moreover , this is something that greatly affects how we relate to the Triune God ( Triune ) . If we think that Jesus is the Father or the Holy Spirit , we will be confused in our prayers . Finally , it is a heresy to believe that the Father became incarnate in Jesus .
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 22:53:28 +0000

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