Jesus was made to carry the cross and he was crusified on that - TopicsExpress


Jesus was made to carry the cross and he was crusified on that very cross......and he shed blood felt pain unimaginable to Man was a Dark day!............But he held on ! Till it was Finished!! And he had uncomplished it all for MANS sake(died for our sin) he held on!!! And above it all he held on knowing to that dark day....Tomorrow wud come a Bright day......and to all his persecution! Prosecution! And his crusifiction......another day would come when there wud be Resurrection! Happiness! And joy! And Compersation of all he had GOne through by The almighty I say Brother! Sister!......I am not saying you are jesus! But I am saying .....Not matter the pain your may be going thru today,be it physical! Spiritual! Financial! Marrital! The persecution! False acustions !prosecution! And whatever type or kind of Crusifiction........Hold on to GOD! Hold on to Prayer! Hold on!!! Coz its not permanent! One day soon,after carrying your cross and after your crusifiction! Will come a day that has always captured ur anticipation......A day that everything you have ever lost will be resurrected and retained 10 times!.....Ten time the favour! Ten times the happiness! Ten times the finance!! Double here! Double there!!! Ten times the Anointing!!! Fire here! Fire there!!!.......Hold on! Everything Bad you are passn thru will soon be over!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:18:01 +0000

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