Jihad is one of the pillars of Islam that elucidates Muslims’ - TopicsExpress


Jihad is one of the pillars of Islam that elucidates Muslims’ obligation towards the religion whereas terrorism takes into account ferocious tactics employed by an individual or a group to impart feelings of scare and terror amongst wide-ranging audience. Nowadays, the notion of terrorism has been associated with Jihad by extremists, who attempt to corroborate their activities with Jihad. Abysmal acts orchestrated by terrorists and their misinterpretation of Islamic teachings have distorted the factual image of Islam, resultantly making it imperative to discuss the discrimination between Jihad and terrorism. The word Jihad stems from the Arabic language which means “to strive”. As per Islam, Jihad is epitomized as the struggle to defend one’s religion, country, family, or hoard a human life. Jihad can even be one’s battle against his personal tribulations to make himself a better human being. There is no reference in Islam where the term Jihad is used to justify the killing of innocent people or impairment to their possessions. However, contrary to Jihad, terrorism is always directed against innocent civilians. Terrorism is basically the illicit use of force or violence by a person or an organised group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for ideological or political reasons. The sole purpose of terrorism is to cause adequate impairment, pain and suffering to others by making them feel frightened and apprehensive. A statement issued by a group of scholars affiliated to the Muslim World League defined terrorism as an act of hostility or intimidation that is designed to terrorise people or endanger their lives that is strictly forbidden in Islam. They also affirmed that damaging public or private facilities and endangering natural resources is equally an act of terror. Religious scholars also prohibited the killing of non-combatants and innocent women, children and elderly men as well as the fighters who surrender. Moreover, it has been interpreted unanimously in every age and by all schools of thought that no one can compel anybody to convert from one faith to another or impose his version of Islam upon others. This is the very creed of Islam. As far as Holy Quran is concerned, it delineates the essential principle of preaching in the famous verse of Surah Baqara “Let there be no compulsion in religion” (2:256). It is not only replete in the Holy Quran but has so abundantly been displayed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the four caliphs that it is irrefutable for any Muslim to chastise others merely for their divergent views on religion. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was time and again reminded in the Surah Al Shura in Holy Quran that “If they then turn we did not send you as a supervisor, there is no responsibility upon you but to preach” (42:48).
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:34:01 +0000

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