Jim is a good accurate writer, who served this country well, not - TopicsExpress


Jim is a good accurate writer, who served this country well, not like the pretenders on the right. I posted this down below, but it should have its own column. In point of fact, the committee concluded that Barack Obama was telling the truth all along. Since 2012, Benghazi has been examined in more detail than nearly any other event in US history. It has been torn apart item by item by ideologically driven fanatics determined to remove the president from office. Benghazi has now been investigated by the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, the independent State Department Accountability Review Board, the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform, and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. All of them have found exactly the same thing. All of them, every single investigation, has come to the same conclusion, exactly, the same conclusion: Dick. There is no scandal. They can’t hang a single thing on the president other than being in office when America was attacked. There’s no scandal. There never has been. The administration did everything it could. Given what was known and given the confused picture on the ground, given what assets were available, given the timeframe, the administration did everything it could. But sometimes that’s just not enough. Sometimes, no matter what, shit happens. Exactly, exactly, as I said a year ago. For two years conservatives have been demanding “the truth.” And they’ve got it. By their own hand, from their own people. stonekettle/2014/08/benghazi-reductio-ad-absurdum-redux.html
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 02:44:05 +0000

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