Joe Carass Match Blog! Joe reflects on his first match of 2015... - TopicsExpress


Joe Carass Match Blog! Joe reflects on his first match of 2015... And it was a good one! Yesterday saw me on the Sixth round of the Tunnel Barn Farm winter league. Our match fishing drawbags team had been living up to the name and after five rounds we had just snuck into the top spot in the league. It is mega tight though and five or six teams are still more than in the race. As ever the drawbag master Jon Arthur did the honours and produced four belters! I saw I was to be on New pool so jokingly asked him to draw me Peg 7... Guess what he drew me! New Peg 7 is easily My best draw of the series. A corner peg with stacks of room and a big head of fish - basically a flier! But in new pool they are amongst the oldest fish on the complex and can be very crafty to say the least. I thought the day would be all about fishing pellets early before switching to maggots late, standard TBF tactics really. That was until I plumbed up, I felt fish in several areas but in one particular spot to the right where the swim narrows I couldnt believe how many fish were there. Dragging my plummet through this spot was a lot like a pinball machine! I quickly assembled a dobbing rig and got myself some slices out of the car as maybe I could nick the odd one before they scarpered. At the all in I started on pellets short and expected a bite or two but after 15 minutes the float hadnt moved. I had to get off the mark so picked up the bread rig and dropped in on the hot spot. The float flew under instantly! I caught from this spot for three hours, 26 fish to be precise, a mix of small carp and big F1s. It did keep slowing but by searching I felt it was my best option as the longer I could leave the maggot swims the better. Plus the anglers I could see who were fishing normal baits were struggling. This is often the case at tunnel, the fish feed when they want and a lifeless swim can all of a sudden come alive. Luckily my bread swim had done me proud and got me through the hard first three hours. Eventually though it died completely so I tried a maggot rig over the top, one fish was all that fell to this trap so it was time for the short maggot swim which I had fed lightly all match. Three fish in 20 minutes was not what I expected and I had a niggling feeling that it wasnt going to happen. I decided to plumb up at 13m in open water and start a new line feeding just five maggots. This worked a treat and by being patient I had a run of 14 more F1s from this new swim. As time was called my main concern was Craig Elkin on peg 31 who had caught well including a big lump, also Paul Holland and Mark Eaves looked to have caught well plus the ever dangerous Stu Palser was on peg 13. Craig weighed 67lb which is a fantastic weight from the new at this time of year. My two weighs went 78lb which won me the lake and also got me fourth in the match! I knew peg 7 would be good but I didnt think Id catch a weight like that from their if Im honest. Ive also never had a ball of fish like that before. To top the day off, the team won the day with a fantastic 68 points, just ahead of Team Tackle Guru who keep flying on! This win extended our lead to 10 points overall so we need to keep chipping away and stay in the lead! Happy New Year everyone!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:14:58 +0000

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