Joe Whitcomb Testimonials for Counseling - TopicsExpress


Joe Whitcomb Testimonials for Counseling https://soscoupleretreat.wordpress/474-2/ Testimonials and Recommendations: Because of the nature of therapy and workshops most names will be kept anonymous and confidential. However, all recommendations are from real clients. Joe Whitcomb is an “expert builder of relationships.” He gets it. What I mean is he gets and understands me. He gets my wife. He gets what goes on within and between each of us and has helped us change the negative cycles and destructive patterns of our marital “ fear dance” and change up the purse/withdraw cycle we found ourself stuck in. Before coming to Joe for couple therapy we were on the edge of divorce and this was our final shot and opportunity to turn our marriage around. And now we are more connected and more in love. Not that we don’t fight or have conflict but when we do we can still stay emotionally connected, repair hurts, and reconcile our differences. Joe get’s relationships and has saved ours by teaching how to fight for our connection and to make amends when we hurt each other. Geoff and Diane Pacific Palisades, CA My wife and I attended Joe’s 3-day marriage intensive, MORE than Imagined! which completely changed our relationship. Joe is like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. His approach is so refreshing, dynamic, motivational, inspiring and most important it makes sense. He pulls back the curtain for us to see our true self in relationship with our spouse. The ideas that will stick with us forever are creating Love Maps, making deposits into each others Love Banks (His Needs/Her Needs), identifying each others Attachment Styles and the other pain cycles we get stuck in, e.g. Fear Dance, Shame Cycles, Need/Fear Cycle, and the Crazy Making Cycle from a loss of love and respect. Identifying these negative cycles and patterns has helped us change the cylce of criticism and defensiveness and contempt and stonewalling and instead to be able “fight for a connection” by moving from our emotional impasses and gridlocks to dialogue. I highly recommend Joe Whitcomb as both a marriage/couple therapist and marriage and relationship educator. Drs. Steve and Jackie M. Beverly Hlls, CA “My husband and I were blessed to have Joe Whitcomb as our teacher/trainer for an eight-week marriage class on “His Needs/Her Needs” we took at the 20-year mark in our marriage. We learned so much! Joe was professional and yet modeled a great personal humility and intimacy that inspired us greatly to change. They gave 100% and clearly practice what they preach. We’re still benefiting from the things we learned in their class several years down the road. “ Tammy Fleming Women’s Minister Midlands Churches of Christ, Birmingham, UK My husband and I had the pleasure of attending a “Dynamic Marriage” seminar based on the book “His Needs/Her Needs” almost four years ago that Joe Whitcomb was teaching and leading. Joe is an amazing example to emmulate. His kind words and gentle encouragement helped to buffer the difficult problems in our marriage. It was Joe vulnerablility that truly helped my husband and I to get embarrassingly real about the problems we had in our marriage. We looked forward to attending their class every week. His ability to build family was evident by the deep connections we built with them and other couples in the class. Our marriage has forever been turned around because of the support and counsel we received in his class. Joe’s example and life back up everything he is teaching to others. He is a dynamic speaker who offers wisdom and experience in everything he does. I highly recommend Joe as a marriage counselor to anyone who is serious about improving their marriage or relationships. All the best, The Cervantes Family As a minister, I have recommended Joe to many people in our congregation, and it has always been a positive experience. His experience and wisdom have been such a great source of help for people who are dealing with some of the deeper issues in life as well as for those who are wanting to build a great foundation in their marriages. I wholeheartedly believe in the work that Joe is doing, and am grateful for his contribution to God’s church. Jay Minor Evangelist/Minister Turning Point Christian Church Sherman Oaks, CA Thank you for always being available to us whether in session, by phone, and especially emotionally. It’s amazing how you truly understand where each of us is coming from individually. And you always have a way of helping each of us feel secure to trust our hearts to you so we can get to the heart of the matter. You’ve given us tools that get us “unstuck” and remind us that we are on the same team – we are one! Thank you for helping us “dance” gracefully again, even when we don’t want to. You are meant to do what you do! Forever grateful, Steven and Bernadette Smith Phoenix, AZ “Joe is a highly skilled and talented counselor, teacher/trainer and speaker who has helped many people. Our marriage has been strengthened by the class offered by him. He invests himself in difficult situations in order to understand, help resolve and repair relationships. His thorough knowledge of the spiritual concepts combined with psychology have helped him in understand complex relationships and intimacy. I totally recommend him.” Paul Joe Whitcomb is truly blessed by the LORD, with the “Spirit of counsel” (Isaiah 11:2). There are not many who are gifted with healing [through the Spirit of God] of which God’s grace and truth are skillfully appropriated for the mending of the wounds of numerous beneficiaries. God has blessed Joe tremendously, to counsel so ‘naturally’ in the ‘supernatural.’ He truly is gifted from above, as a “man of understanding,” who helps others to draw out and process the deep water and purposes of the heart. D.G. Los Angeles, CA “Joe Whitcomb has made a real difference in my life, and in my marriage, by helping us as a couple focus on what is good in our relationship so that we can approach the challenges in a more positive, less confrontational manner. I am a better husband, and parent, because of Joe and I recommend him and his unique talent and compassion without reservation.” G.G. Attorney Pasadena, CA I took a class called the DNA of Relationships that Joe taught and coached. He is present, engaging and shares a wealth of practical advice to increase intimacy in any relationship. Mia Wigmore Los Angeles, CA “Joe has shared with our ministry a couple different times and I have read a number of articles he has written, and he has really ministered to the deeper broken parts of our hearts. He goes “below the surface” to help individuals and groups get in touch with the emotional parts of ourselves that often go unexplored, while relating it to our spiritual lives. I would recommend Joe for marriage counseling and individual therapy.” Chris Tang Evangelist/Minister Santa Barbara Church of Christ Joe Whitcomb has been an extreme blessing in my life. The counseling sessions and relationship workshops I have taken have allowed me to go into realms of my heart that were dead and buried even from childhood. He has a gift of drawing out the deep waters of the heart, reviving them not only to live again, but to soar. I thank God for sending Joe in my life. He is a life long answered prayer. Yvonne Los Angeles, CA “Joe created a safe place for my wife and I by establishing and maintaining boundaries in his Dynamic Marriage class. We needed that safety to learn about each other and to feel safe sharing our struggles during the 10 week class. We needed to learn what Joe was teaching before our first son was born. We have grown as leaders & parents since Joe offered that class 4 years ago. Joe is an inspiring, helpful, concerned, change agent and visionary leader for God’s glory. I love that his adventures and career are building up many people every where. Michael P Lovett Los Angeles, CA My experience with Joe Whitcomb as a counselor has been very positive. I highly recommend him as a marriage therapist, personal therapist or relationship counselor. He is insightful, creative and relatable in his sessions. I always feel safe to be myself and I feel heard by him. He helps me get in touch with myself so I can move forward from my past experiences and trauma. Joe has given me tools and equipped me to help myself through tough emotional situations from the past as well as current situations. C.W. West Los Angeles, CA To whom it may concern; Understanding, sincere, and humble are the first things that come to mind when I think about Joe Whitcomb. I have had the pleasure to finally interact with Joe in counseling workshops, the depth that is involved. I have had the opportunity to understand that he is a great listener, motivator and counselor. Yours truly, Violeta Fant Santa Monica, CA Joe Whitcomb not only has helped me understand my issues but has given me the tools to make changes in my life. He uses his education in the field of psychology as well as scripture and also draws from his own life experience. Life is about relationships and learning how to relate to others in a much healthier way is what has made the difference. Kathy B. Joe Whitcomb has been instrumental in my Growth both as a Christian and a person. He has that rare combination of both grace and truth and the wisdom, knowledge and kindness that encourages trust. He really cares about his patients/students and is personally invested in their growth. He’s great! Ken Angliongto
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 23:01:24 +0000

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