Joey had appointments yesterday at UK fir cardiology and general - TopicsExpress


Joey had appointments yesterday at UK fir cardiology and general surgery. He weighs 4.52 kilograms (9.96 pounds)and is still at the bottom of the growth chart, but he is on it! His medicines changed a little and we added zantac for acid reflux. His heart is doing well, all going as they had expected so far. At surgery we talked about his hernia and his poor little toes. UK wont touch the hernia until after the next phase of his heart surgeries is completed, they recommended talking to Nationwide about doing it there because they are equipped to deal with his little heart better. Whether they do it sooner or later doesnt seem to matter. His heart come first of course! As for his big toes the nails are still growing under the skin at the end of the toes. They told me to soak them and try to push back the skin until the nail finally pops out over it. It hurts Joey so much to mess with his toes. I HATE it! Alysons were the same way when she was born, but her nails grew much faster so it wasnt as much of a problem. Joey got his disability label from the state today, and I am still trying to get him a medicaid card in addition to his insurance coverage. Jumping through lots of hoops! LOL. Tomorrow he begins the First Steps program and has occupational therapy here at home. They will be coming once a week. Some goals we set to meet in 6 months are: Grasping toys (on purpose), rolling over, tolerating tummy time for 5 minutes, sitting up, and following an object. I am not sure how many goals we will meet, but we are sure going to work hard at it! Any input from other heart or Jacobsens parents is welcome. Enjoy the photo booth pictures from today! oing to post a video next. Keep praying for the little man. He has been fussy and I cant figure it out! Hoping this new medicine will help, s send prayers for a happy baby boy! Lots of love!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:05:01 +0000

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