Joey stood upon a cliff in an enchanted land. He had just stepped - TopicsExpress


Joey stood upon a cliff in an enchanted land. He had just stepped through a magical mirror in his grandfather’s dusty attic. Startled and afraid, he was about to turn back and return to his world when he was called by another young boy. He who called himself Rattle, and he encouraged Joey to stay. It was there, on the cliff, that Rattle explained the difference between Joey’s world and his: In Rattle’s world, there were adventures everyone could experience, there were giants everyone could overcome, and no matter what you wanted to do, you could do it; in Rattle’s world, nothing was impossible. Rattle asked Joey, “If you could do anything, what would you do?” “I would fly away, like a bird.” Joey answered. “I would just sail off into the sunset, and leave all my sorrows behind me.” “Then let’s do it,” Rattle said. “What?” Joey replied. “It’s only what I would like to do, but of course I can’t. It’s impossible.” “And what if it isn’t impossible? What if it’s completely possible?” Rattle stared over the cliff before turning back to Joey. Wearing a childish grin, he asked, “What if you just jumped off this cliff—just like this.” And with that, he dove off the cliff. Joey screamed. He fell to his knees, trembling with shock, but his shock of terror soon turned to a shock of unbelief. He looked in awe. There was Rattle, and he was flying! He circled in the air, drifting far out over the raging sea below and back again, landing back upon the cliff. “Now, that was fun—all right, now let’s leave those sorrows behind you and take off.” Joey stared in disbelief. “But I can’t fly,” he murmured. “And what about me? Can I fly?” Rattle asked. “No. Well, yes. But you shouldn’t be able to. It’s impossible.” “But I can,” he said. Drawing close to Joey, he whispered, “And so can you.” He began circling Joey, flapping his arms like a bird. “Now, I’m about to leave all my sorrows behind me and fly off into the sun set like a bird. What about you?” “I can’t! Don’t you understand? I can’t fly!” Joey said in protest. Rattle continued to circle Joey. “Nonsense! Joey, you mustn’t let your fear tell you what you can and can’t do. You want to fly. You want to leave your sorrows behind. Well, let me tell you something my friend. Here, in this world, you can do just that!” “But how?” “You just have to take a leap of faith, that’s all,” Rattle said, as he strolled over to the cliff ledge. “There is nothing to fear in this world Joey, but you can fear if you choose.” He looked over the edge. “Boy, it certainly is a long way down.” Joey remained a safe distance from the edge, watching in horror and fascination as Rattle walked along the crust of the cliff’s face, as if he were upon a tightrope. “Last chance Joey. You can wait here, or you can go back to your world if you want. But, in your world, you can’t fly. In your world, you have to be a slave to fear. I know, I once lived there. And I will tell you this, I’m not going back. No, I’d rather take the leap of faith any day.” And with that, he jumped once more. Seconds later he was once again up in the air, howling his success. His joyful cry echoed from cliff to cliff. Joey took a few small steps closer to the edge. Looking over the edge, his eyes bounced down and up, from the ravaging waves below and the heights of freedom Rattle was experiencing above. Can I fly? Should I take the leap of faith? He stared. No! No I can’t! he thought to himself as he stared over the edge again. No! It’s impossible, I can’t!… then, despite his own fears, he jumped, and he fell, he fell… he soared! He was airborne. I’m flying! “I can fly!” he called out to Rattle. “Yes you can Joey, you can fly indeed. Now, where are we going?” “Where can we go?” “Anywhere you want.” “I want to go to where the giants live. The ones you talked about back on the cliff. The Giants that even children like me can defeat in battle.” Rattle laughed. “Then, to the giants we shall go.” **please like and share**
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:30:00 +0000

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