John 10:3 3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his - TopicsExpress


John 10:3 3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. I remember back in 2005 I had a dream about this passage, I remember I was in this strange place where there was 2 Churches which was side by side, both looked like the house of God, Instead of going to the right I went into the church on the left, I approached the front door and was met by a nice man which smiled and said all is welcome in this place, he led me down the hall and I was noticing that there was nothing in the church that appeared to be a house of God, no crosses, no pews, I noticed people were sitting around as if it was a community hall, I asked the man if he was the preacher, his reply was no I am just the care taker, the old lady in the wheel chair who lives upstairs in the parsonage is, I saw no bibles and out of the corner of my eye I saw three children come into the church, they ran upstairs and I heard the old woman say get them out of here and had the nice young man escort them out, I couldnt understand why they didnt want children in this church. The man then told me that the Old lady wanted to meet me, he said just go out to the back of the church and you will meet her at the back door. I went to the back of the church and knocked on the door, The Old woman in the wheel chair opened the door, she seem kind and harmless, she said I am glad that you came to our church, all is welcome in this place. I asked her what her church stood for and she hesitated and then looked at me as if she was offended about my questioning her about her church, she stared right through me and said in a deep voice we dont preach on Jesus and that stuff in the bible it only causes people to be afraid, we like to talk about what we can do to make everyone happy, being good and not condemning others makes our church different than the rest of the other self righteus ones. She then took me by the hand and said we need a person like you in this church, all you have to do is renounce Jesus and enter in the back of the church, once you become like us you can persuade those who still believe in the bible and Christ that it is one big lie. I pushed her away and said never will I give in to this lie and renounce my faith, I heard her scream for her followers to seize me, I ran out of the back door and began to cry out to Jesus the demons that were running after me heard me praying and when I looked back They were no longer running after me. I awoke from this dream and prayed God keep me from this big lie. Though this church appeared to be about God, I now can say that it is The One World Church, the church that will deceive so many people, apostasy ministers (Satans messengers) that will have a form of godliness but deny the power there of. Now in 2014 I can see these churches are all around us claiming there is another way to Heaven than Jesus and good deeds can get you into Heaven even if your a atheist, these social clubs have meetings instead of church, they do not care about the truths of God. The Pope is in connection with this false doctrine that say that Creation in Genesis should not even be preached, that God is not in control, he is not a magician, he purely is just a spectator, no need to pray to him what a big lie, Sin does not exist in these churches, they dont like to talk about sin because they feel it will offend and cause low self esteem in there members.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:18:38 +0000

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