John 11: 35; "Jesus wept." NKJV. Twice in the Holy Scriptures it - TopicsExpress


John 11: 35; "Jesus wept." NKJV. Twice in the Holy Scriptures it is recorded that Jesus wept. Once out of His great love for the death of His dear friend Lazarus, who we see that He raised him from the dead, and once in Luke 19: 41; "Now as he drew near, He saw the city and wept over it." NKJV. This is the compassion of Christ shown for a lost world, not just and individual friend. Isaiah 53: 3; "He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. and we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him." NKJV. The one person who in all the history of the world who could save it. the Jewish Messiah, the Gentile Savior, the Redeemer of all who will believe, and the world rejected Him when He came to His own. He died that we might live, He arose, so that we could have a victory over Hell and Death, and the world has rejected Him. It was not the weeping of bitterness, but of grieving and the understanding that He was the only one to come into a dying world who could save it, and bring about the salvation plan of the Father. It is like the grieving of someone who is filled with a compassion for those who walk in darkness, and continue to reject the only Light that can give them life. It is with the greatest love of which He extends to all who will here His voice, and receive it, but the weeping is for the ones who reject the only true and Living God that He weeps for. There is not a day that goes by, that we go without seeing the hatred that is in the world, still the world still rejects the One who weeps for them who could be saved. Not out of grief, but out of compassion and love. For the world today has a greater opportunity to know the Lord Jesus Christ than at any other time in its history. We have greater means in which to share the Word of God, than at any other time. As the days go by we are granted more ways to tell the story of Jesus, but still the world stumbles about in darkness. Each one of us know people around us who love the darkness more than they do the Light, but they insist on living in darkness because they think their deeds of evil cannot be seen. But God who created all things and wanted to give to mankind all things, can see all things , and when that day comes they will be revealed before the Great White throne of Judgment. So let us witness to one another, telling all who will listen of the Love of God, that it is so great that He gave His only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die for us that we might be free. John 8: 36; "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 23:14:30 +0000

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