John 3:17 17 For God sent NOT his Son into the world to COMDEMN - TopicsExpress


John 3:17 17 For God sent NOT his Son into the world to COMDEMN the world; but that the world through him might be saved . ouj {PRT} ga;r {CONJ} ajpevsteilen {V-AAI-3S} oJ {T-NSM} qeo;? {N-NSM} to;n {T-ASM} uiJo;n {N-ASM} eij? {PREP} to;n {T-ASM} kovsmon {N-ASM} i&na {CONJ} krivnh/ {V-PAS-3S} to;n {T-ASM} kovsmon, {N-ASM} ajll# {CONJ} i&na {CONJ} swqh/ {V-APS-3S} oJ {T-NSM} kovsmo? {N-NSM} dij {PREP} aujtou. {P-GSM} Condemn = Krino The KJV New Testament Greek Lexicon Strongs Number: 2919 Original Word Word Origin krivnw perhaps a primitive word Transliterated Word TDNT Entry Krino 3:921,469 Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech kree-no Verb Definition to separate, put asunder, to pick out, select, choose to approve, esteem, to prefer to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion to determine, resolve, decree to judge to pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong to be judged, i.e. summoned to trial that ones case may be examined and judgment passed upon it to pronounce judgment, to subject to censure of those who act the part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or pass judgment on the deeds and words of others to rule, govern to preside over with the power of giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative of kings and rulers to pass judgment to contend together, of warriors and combatants to dispute in a forensic sense to go to law, have suit at law King James Word Usage - Total: 114 judge 88, determine 7, condemn 5, go to law 2, call in question 2, esteem 2, miscellaneous 8 My question is why do we present the GOSPEL message with condemnation by telling people to turn or they will burn? I never once saw CHRIST share the GOOD NEWS with people by telling them they will go to a torment chamber in a burning fire of hell for eternity to those HE was healing.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 10:31:49 +0000

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