John Ish Ishmael 10 hrs · EVEN THE US CONDEMNS THE BURNING - TopicsExpress


John Ish Ishmael 10 hrs · EVEN THE US CONDEMNS THE BURNING AND GENITAL MUTILATION MURDER OF MOHAMED ABU KHUDAIR: BUT THE #HARPER NEOCON AND ZIONIST GANG REMAIN SILENT.....[BOUGHT AND SPOKEN FOR?] In a series of posts on Twitter, National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the US is paying close attention to the investigation into the death of 17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir. She also offered condolences to his family and the Palestinian people. Related stories: Abbas: Netanyahu must condemn boys death like we condemned kidnapping Obama condemns senseless act of terror against innocent youth US Secretary of State John Kerry also condemned the murder, calling the act sickening and saying, There are no words to convey adequately our condolences to the Palestinian people. Those who undertake acts of vengeance only destabilize an already explosive and emotional situation. The world has too often learned the hard way that violence only leads to more violence and at this tense and dangerous moment, all parties must to everything in their power to protect the innocent and act with reasonableness and restraint, not recrimination and retribution. ================================================== ISH: Remember that a leading rabbi in Israel demanded Torah like revenge saying that even 300 penile #foreskins would not enough for the fine Jewish group. One such mutilation at least has occurred [see above], This was lauding the Jewish tale of David killing 200-300 Goyim and bringing their chopped off foreskins [at least] to this king of |Jews. This is the sanguinary culture that teaches these stories as solemn to their faith. Such filth reminds me of the fundamentalist Saudi backed fundamentalists wh ich the Toronto Star and its in-house Muslim Haroon Siddiqui had lauded for freeing Syria as they called for Bomb Assad his [homes/palaces] and soldiers barracks - that public incitement is a Criminal Code and a UN terrorism offence. No charges were laid. I have posted about this re the Deconstruction Of Syria for the protocols of the Jewish Greater Realm - which Harper guaranteed to protect whatever the cost [to Canadian lives and treasure]. ISH
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:58:07 +0000

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