John Lees 6 styles of love: 1. Eros, the color red it is also a - TopicsExpress


John Lees 6 styles of love: 1. Eros, the color red it is also a modern love style through which a person wishes to become complete with their partner. They strongly believe in fairytale love. Interestingly, they can easily have love at first sight with their partners. People linked to Eros style; also tend to have strong optimistic viewpoint about the future of their love relationships, with marriage being the ultimate goal. In brief, people with Eros love style can be described as very emotional, romantic and satisfied with very little. 2. Ludus, the color blue people associated with Ludus love style prefer multiple partners over one single long term relationship. Although they are outgoing and skilled at impressing the dates in confident manner. When things start to get deeper with the current partner they prefer chartering new waters. In brief, people with Ludus love style generally prefer one night stands, friends with benefits and short term dating experiences. 3. Storge, the color yellow Storge love takes place between two friends. You might have heart of people who develop romantic love for a friend after knowing them for a few weeks or years. How this love does really takes place? Its answer is connected to their similar likes, dislikes, habits and good amount of comfort level. Just like the Eros group, the Storge ones believe in long term relationship and marriage, yet one problem they go through is not being able to share intense romantic connection with their partners. 4. Pragma, the color green Passionate love is never their main goal, but the marriage containing a great amount of comfort is. They first make a list of traits they want in a partner and then date a series of people to see if their features match those. Of course, the one with most similarity is picked. The Pragma group has no problem in staying friend with the partner first and at the same time, they do not hesitate to say good bye to them for the next one. 5. Manic, the color violet People falling under this category have paranoia about losing their lovers. Apparently, they can be extremely possessive, fearful and controlling in relationships and tend to view their partners as property. Additionally, they cannot stand being alone and thus; have a need to be in a relationship always. they can be with anyone for whom they have suddenly felt love. 6. Agape, the color orange The main meaning of this term is spiritual love. Same applies to its love style. In details, people from Agape love style see love as holy, but also romantic. They get a great amount of satisfaction from fulfilling their lovers’ needs and on the way, often end up sacrificing their own importance, needs and wants.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:14:26 +0000

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