Jonas and the Four Steam Trains written by: Jonas Belon It was a - TopicsExpress


Jonas and the Four Steam Trains written by: Jonas Belon It was a beautiful day at Chapel Haven and for its railways. I, the royal Scott mixed traffic steam engine named after a king and powered by human food, had just come back from Denver after spending my Thanksgiving vacation there for three weeks, when I saw some people going up to all the students and asking them if the students can either sing or play a musical instrument. Even though I was very tired from my trip, I found the visitors very odd. “These people are from a company that makes record deals for bands and they have come here to see if we qualify for a record deal!” Laura, my life skills instructor for Bridge, told me. I got excited. “I always wanted to start my own band! Maybe I can get one together!” I told Laura. Laura shrugged. “Maybe! But I suggest you get started on getting a band together before you do anything else!” Laura said. “Would you like to be in my band Laura?” I asked. Laura smiled. “Oh yes please Jonas! I am good at playing the bass guitar!” said Laura. “Good! I only play the harmonica as well as sing! We will call our band Jonas and the Four Steam Trains!” I tooted. “But Jonas! There are only two of us in the band now and we need four members!” protested Laura. “I know but I will find two more members to join the band!” I said. With that, I went back to one of the houses for bridge. Back in my room, Dumbo, the flying elephant, was waiting for me as I arrived. I told him about my trip and about the people from the company that makes the record deals coming to Chapel Haven. I also told Dumbo that I was starting a band. Dumbo smiled. “Can I join please Jonas? I know how to play the trumpet!” said Dumbo hopefully. “Sure Dumbo! My old friend! But you do not even have a trumpet!” I said in reply. “Oh yes I do! I have my trunk remember!” said Dumbo cheekily. “Oh yes Dumbo you are right! Oh dear I forgot that you had a built in trumpet! Sorry Dumbo!” I said. Then I told Dumbo all about the name of my band. “That’s alright! You said that your band was called Jonas the Four Steam Trains! Right?” Dumbo asked. I nodded. “Don’t you need one more member of the band before we decide to perform?” Dumbo asked. “You know something Dumbo! You are right! I will see if anyone would be willing to join the band!” I said. So I went around trying to find out if someone would join my band. Just as I was about to give up hope, Nick, the class 08 Diesel shunter, oiled up. “Can I join your band Jonas? I play the fiddle!” asked Nick hopefully. I smiled. “Sure Nick! Ok now my band is called Jonas the Four Steam Trains so we are going to make our first record deal if we practice!” I told Nick. Nick was delighted. Every night after life skills, my new band and I met up in my apartment to practice. Although some people did not enjoy our practices very much and would tell us to keep it down. But on the bright side, at least we were still good. Soon I had written five songs for the people who run the record deal companies and sent the songs to the companies that do the record deals. The people who do the record deals loved the songs and met with my band and I personally. “You guys did a great job on these songs and we will make a record deal for you right away!” They said. I was the most delighted. Then after making many record deals and preforming many concerts, my band and I were faced with a problem because we had received six bills, three for every two days of record deals. Nobody could decide if one of us was going to pay the bills for our record deals and everyone except for me was arguing about who was going to pay for our record deals and we had reached the point where it was either decide who pays for our record deals or we have to break up the band. I had been quiet for the past hour or so thinking of an idea and I got one. I, being a royal Scott mixed traffic steam engine named after a king and powered by human food, blew my whistle for silence. “I have an idea how about if Dumbo and I take three of the bills and divide the money we had earned from our concerts up in order to pay off the three bills one by one depending on how much it is and then Nick and Laura you do the same with the other three bills and then the bills will be paid off!” I suggested brightly. My band agreed and so it was arranged. Soon all the bills were paid off and we never had to worry about breaking up the band ever again even when we retired from making music. The end.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:10:56 +0000

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