Jonathan Gruber told us that as co author of 0bamacare he bragged - TopicsExpress


Jonathan Gruber told us that as co author of 0bamacare he bragged how he lied about how they all lied about 0bamacare. They lied he said because the American people are just too dumb to know whats good for them. I must assume they feel the same thing about gun control and voter fraud. They must commit voter fraud for Our own good because if we elect conservatives they wont allow democrats to good their Good works. They truly believe lying is permitted and encouraged because we are all dumb, too dumb for our own good. Well Im officially at war with these people. They will take my liberty and freedom because liberty and freedom is not part of their grand plan. They feel freedom is messy and they cant take a chance to that we might misuse it. Damn these bastards, I will live my life as a free man until they close the lid over me. These loathsome creatures must be defeated or you will end up just like every victim of tyranny. We must not allow its roots to take any more of a hold then they already have. We have given ourselves another chance, we cant blow this now. Expose these liars every chance you get. The freedom of our country is at stake.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 03:31:16 +0000

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