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Journalist: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=812315325487018&set=a.240803115971578.72513.100001256734963&type=1&theater Mr President, why did you travel with FDCs Musumba Salaam. Museveni: I took Salam Musumba because NRM believes in sharing power. You see these chaps in FDC have been calling for a National Conference to share power. Because for instance the other day, we allowed Mbidde to the EALA. We accommodated DP. We treated their party leader....he had some disease...sijuyi..cough or something..and we treated him. In Nairobi. This young boy Oaulanya...rung me and I gave them a helicopter to pick a DP leader. Therefore going with Salaam is a good gesture at sharing power with FDC. The second reason, she has been making a lot of noise. That will calm down her spirit. Journalist: Werent you concerned that she was not putting on a rosary? Museveni: That you will ask her. She should be able to answer that herself. Journalist: You took two gifts to the Holy was personal...Your book Sowing the Mustard Seed and another one for the Country...the Crested Crane. What informed your Mind? Museveni: The entire history of Uganda is captured in that book. It has a complete History of Uganda. It captures the entire history of Uganda road to complete transformation. And ofcourse the Holy Pontiff is very versed with Jesus parable of the Mustard seed. NRM is now that huge tree in the parable. Journalist: But the book is a story of violence and Massacres...the Pontiff will see you as a source of violence? Museveni: But Uganda is peaceful. Thats why we have a peaceful Crested Crane... Journalist: In your narrative and in your several public pronouncements you have accepted to having given way to witchcraft during the war....? And Uganda is on a path to wickedness...where politicians and business people sacrifice children for power and wealth respectively...if its indeed true that that political power and wealth of lumpens is on the Demonic foundation, arent you concerned about the Popal Rosary? Museveni: I agree its a contradiction. Its not a primary contradiction. Its secondary contradiction really. But we shall do something about it. Journalist:Your Excellency, you closed Radio Maria during the Buganda riots. Museveni: But we later opened it. Journalist: A catholic priest was murdered by the UPDF in Karamoja. And worse still, Col Sula Semakulas court never gave the soldiers a fair trial. Col Semakula prepared ground where to execute the soldiers before convening the court. Wasnt the execution merely a cover-up for an officially sanctioned murder of the catholic priest who was investigating military excesses during Karamoja disarmament? Museveni: Young man you must be very careful. Thats rubbish. Who ever says the murder of the priest was officially sanctioned is an idiot. Wajiinga. That propaganda is aimed at soiling the cordial relationship that exists between NRM and the Pope. You young man, Im told you belong to the Amama Mbabazi camp. Is he the one who told you that? Then he leaked state secrets and CEC will act on him decisively. This is unacceptable. No. No. Saboteurs saboteurs Im not going to accept any further questions from you. But you must tell police where you got that information from. We shall not tolerate that rubbish.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 08:43:26 +0000

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