Journey Forward Thoughts for 17 October 2014 Can you smell - TopicsExpress


Journey Forward Thoughts for 17 October 2014 Can you smell faith? Can the righteous provide a pleasant smell reflecting their faith in Christ? And if so, what does that smell like? I have never given it much thought till this morning, when reading, I realize that we are indeed an aroma to those around us. In Pauls second letter to the church at Corinth, he writes: But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. 2 Corinthians 2:14-17. There are hearts out there that are receptive to the fragrance of Christ, although they dont know it. There are those who resist that, and know of no fragrance other than death. Resurrection speaks life, and life is Christ, for he died and was raised to life again, so that by his life, we too, will face life eternal. That life has a pleasant aroma, in that those who seek and see in us the aroma of Christ, are drawn to us. They desire to live, and not just for this life, but for eternity. Those without Christ and rejecting all things associated with Christ, know only that one day they will die, even though they fear death, they want to live the fullest, not believing such a thing as life everlasting. But how do we know who will accept the word planted in us, and who will reject it? Our desire should be to present ourselves as a pleasant aroma, and not worry about who will accept and who will reject. We are to leave it up to God, to work in the heart of the hardened. I know that goes against the very grain embedded within us, for we want results, but our goal should never be to collect numbers. Thats like profiting from the Word. How many times have you heard it said by another believer, I got five people saved today. If we are keeping score, that is our treasure, but if our hearts want to speak, then we will speak, being a fragrance, and not worrying how many will believe our testimony. We have been given gifts by God, when we believed, and that gift is to be used for Gods glory. When we predetermine how our gift is going to be used, and who it will be used on, and who it wont, we are putting ourselves in Gods position. We are to testify, and our gifts will give us different opportunities to do just that. For me, it will be one way, and for you another, but both, through a heart dedicated to be an aroma to God, will bring the necessary fragrance God wants to use to turn a hardened heart toward him. Are you up for the task? Speak as you were sent, and God will do the rest. Lets make sure that the aroma we give off, is that of Christ, and not ourselves. Lord, we desire to be an aroma of You. Please make us beneficial to you today, that we be a pleasing aroma to those you lead us to. Clean our hearts, and renew a right Spirit within us. Lord, on behalf of those who read this, I pray for their hearts to be changed again today, and for us to surrender fully to your Spirit, that we might bring about a testimony of life through Christ our Lord. I pray for those who are already making such a difference by their steadfastness through trials and suffering. I lift them to you today: Donna, Dwight, little Makenna, Curtis, Keith, Ron, Kelly, David, Katrina, Kent, JR, Bill, Kerry, Calista, Carlie, Caitlyn, Glenda, Angela, Pam, Candace, Emma, Marianne, John, Tracy, Dawn, Tabitha, Bill, Yolanda, David, Lori, Lisa, Gus, Rheba, Harriet, Holly, Dick, Brian, Dale, Sandi, Mike, Pam, Dennis, DaLana, Sammie, Loni. Father, please strengthen all of these in you and may their aroma of Christ, be a lifting aroma to those around them. I pray for: Tracy, Abraham, Will, Karina, Japheth, John, Patty, Mike, Megan, Jeff, Laura. Lord use them for your glory, for they already are a pleasing aroma of Christ. I pray for our nation, and those walking in darkness. May we be a light to them today, I pray in Jesus name. Amen. Pastor Andy
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:24:18 +0000

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