Journey With Landon – 10-5-13 I apologize that it has taken me - TopicsExpress


Journey With Landon – 10-5-13 I apologize that it has taken me a couple of days to get this update out to everyone. I want to thank each of you that have written to us on FB, called, and sent us texts and love. Your support means more than we can ever express. It’s taken me a couple of days to think through everything and process all that has occurred. I arrived here in CO late Tuesday afternoon and it has been constant issues since the plane touched down. Bless Sierra’s heart, the water pump in her car went out, the entire floor of her living space flooded with a water leak, Landon has really bad allergies that are making him cranky and not feeling good, and the cherry on the cake, meeting with CPS and the doctors. The meeting with CPS and the doctors went better than we expected in that CPS was amazing, supportive and very professional. The team that they have here does an amazing job and we could tell from the beginning that they no more wanted to be involved in this than we did. However, they have no choice, just as we seem to have no choice. They did a great job mediating the meeting between the doctors and us and we appreciate the support that they gave us and continue to give us. The doctors however are a totally different story. One of the doctors was in the meeting and her boss was conferenced in on the phone. He was arrogant, rude, condescending and continued to remind us that he is the expert. However, it is apparent that the only thing he is an expert in is chemo. He admitted that in the 30 days that he had to review Landon’s file, he never even looked at it, never reviewed how Landon had done through the previous chemo treatment, and could not report anything specific to Landon. All he did was spout the numbers and the data of leukemia and chemo. He was not even interested in hearing how Landon was doing, how he is responding to the cannabis treatment and the special diet. He did not care AT ALL nor even asked any questions on how Landon was doing. He was not interested in whether the treatment Landon is currently is on is working, all he cared about was that Landon is not on chemo. We agreed to go and talk to the doctor that was in the room, which by the way has only seen Landon one time before this, yet she also seems to be an ‘expert’ on him and his treatment. Which what we have come to realize is that all the doctors do is follow big pharma’s ‘road map’ for treatment for Landon’s type of chemo. They just ‘follow the road map of prescribed treatment’ for his leukemia. There is nothing individualized in any of it. They report that ‘most’ kids do just fine, however, as we experienced, Landon is not ‘most’ kids and he did not do ‘just fine’. The doctor in the meeting reported that they were willing to review his past treatment file and make adjustments to his treatment plan that would be more individualized to him so we agreed to meet with her the next day, which was Thursday. We were hopeful, believing that they were going to work with us. We were wrong. Thursday we met with the doctor only to discover that the only concession they were willing to make was to cut the steroid dosage in half. That’s it, no other concession. The chemo is still the exact same as the road map prescribes. We were in shock and as the day wore on, the reality set in hard and fast. We have no choice. Without an oncologist to testify in court that there are other options to treat cancer besides chemo, we will lose. Our attorney stated it, other doctors have stated it, end of story. We have no choice but to put Landon through more chemo until we can find an oncologist that is brave enough to stand up for what is right for compassionate care for all children with cancer. Chemo starts on Monday. To say that we are devastated is putting it lightly. To put a child through more chemo who is in remission is insane. It is child abuse. We just cannot believe it. We are all stunned. However, we have no choice. We just pray that the cannabis will protect him from further damage and side effects. CNN has been here filming us through all of this and they have been amazing support. We will continue to fight for awareness that there are other options besides poisoning your body. We will continue to fight to advocate for all the children with cancer. We will continue to fight the fight for all children and for Landon, who cannot fight for themselves. ~Grammy Wendy~
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 18:07:09 +0000

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