Journey day 107. I spent the day camped out & working remotely in - TopicsExpress


Journey day 107. I spent the day camped out & working remotely in our NICU suite waiting for the ENT and Neo Drs to make their way through. The reason being that there was talk over the weekend of having to intubate him again (small setback) & more talk this morning of our boy possibly needing a traech (big freakout) . While neither would be permanent, I had questions and concerns that needed Real and definite answers since we had been given so much postive feedback on Friday and Saturday that things were going well and I didnt see any reason that these were being brought up. Both doctors agreed with my that these would only be done should he show signs of dire distress. His airway is likely still swollen and healing from surgery so its important he get his rest before we move on to the next steps. We also discussed some options with meds and slowing his feeds to help prevent acid reflux irritation. In all of this Ive learned how important it is to be an advocate for your child when it comes to medical care. They cant help with explaining what hurts so its up to you to help act in thier best interests. This is incredibly hard being we are getting to know him in these limited increments but I think we are doing ok. For Todays picture I had to share CJ with his new favorite toys. His tranquil turtle which has worked wonders getting him settled after his cares and his pacifier.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:31:08 +0000

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