Judge Banished Off the Bench for “Shocking” - TopicsExpress


Judge Banished Off the Bench for “Shocking” Decision! September 19, 2014 PART 1 nalley Retired Maryland Circuit Court Judge Robert C. Nalley On September 5, 2014 the Maryland Court of appeals handed down a decision to remove Retired Maryland Circuit Court Judge Robert C. Nalley from the bench effective September 12, 2014. This decision is a direct result of Judge Nalley’s latest escapade which occurred on July 23, 2014, when he issued a directive to a Charles County Sherriff’s Department officer to administer an electrical shock to a defendant inside his courtroom. The defendant Delvon L. King, 25 of Waldorf, was in custody in Charles County on firearm charges, and because of his detainee status was donning an electronic ankle device known as a security bracelet that allows for authorities to inflict pain compliance on individuals from a distance with a push of a button, detonating said remote device results in electro-muscular disruption which in turn sends a debilitating shock to the individual on the receiving end. King, who elected self-representation during the jury selection process, endeavored to question Judge Nalley to the validity of the court’s jurisdiction over him, because of his inherited belief that he is a sovereign citizen. For those unfamiliar with self-proclaimed sovereign citizens such as the defendant King, sovereign citizens are not unheard of and take the position that they are accountable only to their particular interpretation of the common law and are not subject to any statutes or proceedings at the federal, state, or municipal levels. During the defendants attempt to represent himself, Judge Nalley displayed what could be perceived by some as unacceptable, unprofessional, and even stemming on the border of bizarre behavior. Judge Nalley continually interrupted the defendant as the defendant attempted to state his case while simultaneously and repetitively giving a directive to the officer to shock the defendant. According to court transcripts within moments leading up to the officer finally obliging Judge Nalley’s request to administer electric shock to the defendant, it was duly noted that King, neither verbally nor physically threaten any individual within the court room including Judge Nalley. This debilitating shocking incident directly ordered by Judge Nalley, came on the heels of Judge Amy J. Bragunier’s questionable decision to pass Kings case for jury selection over to Judge Nalley. It has been cited by other members within the judicial system that wish to remain anonymous the actions of Judge Bragunier was extremely uncommon and for any Judiciary to interpose in the course of the jury selection process and terminate proceedings and pass said case on to another judge is rarely if ever heard of. The decision by the Maryland Court of Appeals should come as no surprise taking into consideration Judge Nalleys questionable behavior as far back as August 2009 at which time he willfully and deliberately deflated the tires on a vehicle that belonged to a member of the La Plata Courthouse cleaning crew whom stated that she park her vehicle in Judge Nalley’s assigned parking space after hours because of her uneasiness of walking after dark thru an empty parking lot. Judge Nalley pleaded guilty as charge but not prior to providing a ludicrous justification for his actions and received a suspension, monetary fine; he was also instructed to write a letter of apology to the victim and was given probation prior to judgment without the incident going on his permanent record. The ramifications of this shocking incident do not end with the removal of Judge Nalley from the bench. Unfortunately this is just the tip of an iceberg; more details shall be provided as this story continues to unfold. By Sophia Adams
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:37:51 +0000

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