Jukun are an ethno-linguistic group or ethnic nation in West - TopicsExpress


Jukun are an ethno-linguistic group or ethnic nation in West Africa. The Jukun are traditionally located in Taraba,Benue,Nassarawa,Plateau,Adamawa,and Gombe states in Nigeria and parts of northwestern Cameroon. They are descendants of the people of the Kwararafa kingdom. Most of the tribes in the north central of Nigeria trace their origin to the Jukun people and in one way or the other relate to the Jukuns. If not for the coming of both Christianity and Islam the Jukun people were traditionalists. Most of the tribes; Alago, Agatu, Rendere, gumai in Shendam, and others left Kwararafa when it disintegrated as a result of a power tussle. The Jukuns are divided into two major groups; the jukun wanu and Jukun Wapa. The Jukun Wanu are fishermen residing along the banks of the river Benue and Niger where they run through Taraba state, Benue state and Nasarawa state.[citation needed] The Wukari Federation, headed by the Aku Uka of Wukari, is now the main center of the Jukun people Wukari is multi-ethnic. While the Jukun consider that it is their traditional homeland, other ethnic groups including the Tiv and Hausa have been present for over 200 years.[12] In the 1910s, the colonial authorities encouraged immigration of Tivs to the region, although they were considered an inferior group with no history of central state administration, and were placed under the authority of the Jukun Aku Uka. Continued Tiv expansion into Wukari was due in part to population pressure, and in part to unsustainable slash-and-burn farming methods.[13] In the 19th century, the Tiv allied with the Jukun to fight the Hausa/Fulani.[14] More recently, the Tiv and the Hausa have at times allied against the Jukun. However, under the First Republic (1963–1966), the Jukun and Hausa supported the Northern Peoples Congress, while the Tiv supported the rival United Middle Belt Congress, often leading to violent conflict. During the Second Republic (1979–1983) both the Tiv and the Jukun supported the National Party of Nigeria.[15] There were clashes in 1990 and 1991 related to whether Wukari should become part of Tiv-dominated Benue State or Jukun-majority Taraba State. In June 1992, a Jukun member of the Taraba state assembly, the only woman, was assassinated. The Jukun accused the Tiv of the murder, and further violence broke out. During this period, as many as 5,000 people may have been killed and many more forced to move.[15] In 2001 and 2002 there were again clashes between the Jukun, Tiv, Kuteb and Fulani people of the Federation. The Aku Uka of Wukari, Dr. Shekarau Angyu Masa-Ibi Kuvyo II, was reported as saying They (the Tiv) came here to farm; we allowed them, gave them chieftaincy titles... Now that their population has increased, they believe they are many enough to colonise us.[16] In August 2010 there was further fighting, this time along religious rather than ethnic lines. Christians disputed the construction of a mosque at the Wukari Police divisional headquarters, and started rioting a few days before a planned visit of the Moslem Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Saad Abubakar III.[17] Lives were lost and property destroyed.[18] The Aku Uka of Wukari and chairman of the Taraba State Traditional Council, Dr. Shakaru Angyu, had reportedly warned the Area Commander against the building of the mosque, which was destroyed during the disturbances.[19] On a more positive note, Wukari traditions such as the rituals of the crocodile shrine are of interest to tourists.[6] The annual Nwonyo Fishing Festival, which has its origins in 1826, includes boat and canoe racing, diving, swimming, and traditional dancing, and there is a prize for the person who catches the heaviest fish.[20] The competition takes place at the Nwonyo lake, said to have been discovered in 1816 by the founder of Ibi, Buba Wurbo, and the first public festival was held during the reign of Abgumanu II (1903–1915).[21] After a ritual to appease the gods of the river, when the fishing context began in April 2010 the winner caught a fish weighing 318 kg.[22]
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 05:36:19 +0000

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