Juliet Kome is a student in a university in Nairobi, Kenya, - TopicsExpress


Juliet Kome is a student in a university in Nairobi, Kenya, studying to be a medical doctor. She is one of our 15 young people we have been helping financially since 2003. When she finished high school, she ranked 8th in the nation of Kenya. I am so proud of her. Since she is an orphan, she calls me Dad. One or two times per year she goes to a hospital somewhere in Kenya to work to pay back some for the tuition she has gotten by being one of Kenyas most outstanding seniors when she finished high school. She refers to her health. That is because she was severely wounded in a van jacking when she had her last assignment to work which was in Malindi, Kenya. She also refers to the farming project of the 14 young people in Nakuru. We sent them money to rent land, to buy seeds, and to raise food earlier this year. I hope in my recent Facebook messages that I have been able to fill you in on 11 years of helping our young people in Kenya so that what they say in the e-mails makes sense to you. Today I got the following e-mail from Juliet Kome: Juliet Kome To Me Today at 6:08 AM Dear my beloved dad and my Americans family friend, First of all I thank you very much for bus fare and the pocket money you sent me to go to Turkana for attachment. I arrived there safely and I am back safely. I came back home on Tuesday 12th only to get the bad news. I could not write to you when I was in Turkana simply because there is no internet at all and only the source of power/electricity is only solar panels. I have never been to such a place before. Most of the people there rely on rations from the government which sometimes comes once a week. What they get is only food that is enough to feed two people for only three days. They mostly feed on wild fruits. They trek for more than 6miles to the hospital to be helped with essential commodity like water. The nearest town that we can access internet is about 30miles away and the bus to that area comes only once a week. I understood that we will be sent back there again in November. I am meant to go back to university on 19th. I am totally healed and I walk nicely. Its only that I can not jump. Mary and Joyce are staying with our pastors wife who is how to handle that situation and also how to come against it. I spent the whole day with them there yesterday and for sure they are overcoming it and forgiving those rapists. Something is not good with Samuel e-mail settings. He has tried to even e-mail me but I can get no emails from him. Let us hope it starts working son. The children are happy with how the farming is going on. There is some good rainfall and the tomatoes and spinach are doing fine. They will be very busy controlling the pests especially on tomatoes once they start flowering. Yesterday they were very busy weeding and putting thorns in between the barbed wire as some rabbits and other small wild animals are going through and eating the spinach. I am so happy for you that you have helped Samuel, Robert, Mary and Joyce. Please pass my regards to the Kenya Fund Family. Your Kenyan daughter, Juliet.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:43:59 +0000

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