July 10,2014 Philippians 4:5 – The Reasonable Christian - TopicsExpress


July 10,2014 Philippians 4:5 – The Reasonable Christian Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; (Philippians 4:5 ESV) “They will know you by your love.” This saying is often used in the church as we talk of reaching others for Jesus. This is taken from the famous verse in John 13:35. A question we need to ask ourselves though is, “What does this love look like?”. It can be helping those around us, giving to the needy, or just lending an ear to someone as they vent. But, what if showing love meant being a reasonable person? Aren’t we called to be strong in our stances and to not bend in what we believe? The answer is yes!! But we can do it in a reasonable manner. Too many times Christians can be looked at as a hard headed group of people who want argue with everyone we don’t agree with. You know that guy who wants to always argue and is never wrong. I know I am guilty of being one of those people at times. We aren’t going to change people by belittling their views and putting them down. We are going to win them over with love when we reasonably disagree with them and lovingly show them where we differ. Our arguments don’t change people, Jesus changes people. Have you been a reasonable Christian today? Happy sisgning in,, in behalf of our attendance mistress sis Goldtiger Elena Carpio,,,, its me Ate Violz
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:26:22 +0000

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