July 10th, 2013 "Those who mocked the Warning…" (The Lord - TopicsExpress


July 10th, 2013 "Those who mocked the Warning…" (The Lord Jesus Christ) My beloved children: MY PEOPLE WILL NOT BE OVERCOME BY THE HAND OF THE ENEMY OF THE FAITH. TESTED, YES, BUT NOT DEFEATED BECAUSE “I AM WHO AM.” I will keep My Hand over those who are Mine so they are not brought down, if My Children live in My Love and do not forget their brothers and sisters who live in ignorance. My paths are not so narrow for the one who has Faith, but for the one who does not have Faith, no matter how wide the paths are, it will never be enough. My People, what do the powerful do to you that you fall into the greatest errors and do not see what you do? Children, the conscience of man currently is so small, that he offends Me without stopping to see how he acts, but takes delight in what he does, without recognizing, it is evil. Children, My People, open the door of your heart so I can give you to drink of My Word and you thus recognize it in My Love in each Word I send you, and you thus become aware of how much you need to change to bear fruits of Eternal Life. I CALL YOU TO BE ACTIVE IN FAITH, TO LABOR WITHOUT CEASING, TO CLEARLY SEE THIS INSTANT IN WHICH I WILL NOT ABANDON YOU, BUT IN WHICH MY PEOPLE WILL SEE THE HAND OF THEIR LORD OVER THEM SO THEY ARE NOT BROUGHT DOWN. YOU MUST BE DOCILE, EXPAND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS AND RENEW YOURSELVES SPIRITUALLY, TAKING MY CALLS SERIOUSLY AND MAINTAINING A COMMUNION WITH ME FROM INSTANT TO INSTANT, without anything existing that separates us, but that everything that takes place reinforces My People’s armor so that the attacks do not make them fold. Man’s spirit must remain in communion with My Divinity so that it does not act outside of My Will. You will not achieve this if not by My Hand and inviting Me to remain with you in every work or act that you carry out, conscious that I remain in you and that I will not accept acts outside My Will. TURN TO MY MOTHER, SHE INTERCEDES FOR YOU AND WALKS THE PATH BESIDE YOU. My People, science has been the advancement created against man himself, the trials because of this will be consecutive. The tribulations for humanity are constant, so much so that man will feel he is unable to go on, forgetting he has a Mother that loves him, and you do not recognize Her like I recognize Her: She is My Mother, the one who loves you. My Church will undergo a great crisis, pray for My Church, for few will feel firm and not confused. Do not forget that I remain with you; seek Me, I remain present in the Eucharist. The spirit needs food; whoever is conscious of receiving Me, let him receive Me as often as possible so in that way he may begin to expand the communion with Me to all creatures. No act remains without bearing fruit, you are not alone. The plague continues its advancement… silent, like a thief in the night; do not be neglectful. MAN MUST RENEW HIMSELF FULLY, YOU HAVE SHUT UP THE SPIRIT IN THE BEAT AND RHYTHM OF WHAT IS WORLDLY TO PREVENT YOUR CONSCIENCE FROM ATTEMPTING TO CORRECT AND LEAD YOU. Humanity is and will be purified, only thus will it be worthy of Me. It will see its sins and its unmet duties, like the fruit it has produced and like the fruit is has ceased to produce. A mirror will be before everyone and an opportunity for repentance. Those who mocked the Warning announced by My Mother, when they hear the advancement of the silence and the thunder in heaven, they will know the Warning has arrived and it will be carried out for the good of souls. You will see great devastation. A weapon will cause this harm to humanity and will detonate a severe crisis and confusion that the enemy of the souls awaits to usurp what is Mine: souls. You being My People, I do not abandon you; I will send a man of Faith who will help you come to My Encounter. Do not lose Faith, My Church navigates in a tempestuous sea, but the ship remains firm. DO NOT FEAR, MY LOVE IS POWER AND AN INEXHAUSTIBLE FOUNTAIN OF VIRTUES AND GRACES. COME AND BE LOVE, COPIES OF MY SAME LOVE. I bless you, I love you. Your Jesus. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:40:12 +0000

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