July 21, 2014 New CCITC Devotional ‘And He said, “I am - TopicsExpress


July 21, 2014 New CCITC Devotional ‘And He said, “I am God, the God of your father; do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great nation there.” Genesis 46:3 Here God tells Jacob not to fear. What?! Fear?! Why?! How is this possible?! Jacob had just learned that Joseph – his beloved son who Jacob thought was long dead -- was alive and doing very well serving as Pharoah’s right hand man in Egypt. In the midst of a terrible famine, Pharaoh had sent Jacob provisions of food and donkeys to make a trip down to Egypt to escape from famine and reunite with his beloved son. But still, Jacob carried inside of him the fear of leaving what he knew for what he did not know. In Genesis chapter 46, he worshipped and took his fear to the Lord. God told him -- . . . do not be afraid. I too carry fears, even in seasons of abundance. Unless I truly engage my Lord, sit before Him, talk to Him, and release my fears to Him, unless I choose to listen to the Lord and embrace Him and the way He is leading, I will not fully know Him as my God and I will carry fear. I must be honest with God in all seasons about the fears that are bound up inside of me. I must lay them on His altar of love, believing and trusting that He is the One leading me through the season, and He will carry me to the destination where there will be no more sorrows and no more pain. Dear Lord, thank you for your Word and unveiling the fears I carry especially when I enter seasons of abundance. I pray that you will continue to remind me of Your promises and lead me in Your paths, fearless. ‘Because perfect love casts out all fear’, and Your love is truly perfect. In Jesus name, Amen. calvarychapelinthecity.us5.list-manage1/subscribe?u=dac9ab4e6d795fceafe69577d&id=819945d180
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:25:03 +0000

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