June 19-24 The Week of Magic Personality of this week... Those - TopicsExpress


June 19-24 The Week of Magic Personality of this week... Those born during the Week of Magic quickly fall under the spell of enchantment. Romantic and inspirational, they often put forth their talents and energies in service of a higher purpose, be it family, religion, philosophy, arts or political or social causes. Because they can wholeheartedly throw themselves into devotional activities, they often appear as mild, even self-effacing. For many of them, anonymity is a goal in any career they follow. There are also more aggressive folks, however, who become assertive as they mature and have few problems letting the world know who they are. Easily seduced, they can also enchant others, whether consciously or unconsciously; such seductive individuals may have a sweetly innocent charm. They must be wary of being imposed upon, but they usually have good defensive instincts, and in the emotional sphere even mild individuals will gently lay down guidelines that should not be overstepped. The more aggressive of them are often aware of their persuasive powers, which they may use without qualm to get their way, even when other individuals are hurt in the process. Although possessed of charm and magnetism, they can be remarkably cool customers. They have a useful objectivity, and their reasoning powers make an effective foil to their deep emotions. They are in fact an interesting blend of logic and feeling. When they make an appeal to the emotions of others, they do so in a detached, thoughtful way. Not easily upset, they inspire confidence through their sympathy, concern and willingness to help. They have a way of entering the hearts of those they love, and a reluctance to give up their position there, even when separations prove necessary. These tend to be private people who will not easily grant access to their inner world. They frequently do best when they are able to work at home, and they often set up their home as a kind of retreat or sanctuary. To be allowed to share their living space implies great trust and respect. An invitation to visit this highly personal world is more often felt as a true gift, or the reflection of a desire to share, than as a sign of ostentation or of a need for sociability. These folks must beware of isolating themselves from the society around them and living in an unproductive dreamworld. Such detachment will hold them back in their personal and spiritual development, and toward the end of their lives they may view it as a sign of failure. Since staying in touch with reality is especially important for them, they may find friends and lovers who are more extroverted than they are an essential link to the world. They should also beware of a kind of passive selfishness, in which it seems to others that they think the world revolves around them and that they constantly demand attention, if without saying so. Their special needs and wants as sensitive individuals can impose heavy demands on their friends and intimates, who may at the same time find themselves denying their own emotional and physical requirements. No area is more important to them than love. They see love as a primary reason to live, one that may get them through many a difficult period. Forced to choose between love, on the one hand, and wealth or power, on the other, they usually choose the former. Many are quite able to love from afar; platonic love has a special meaning for them. Others see the possession of the love object as a necessary and blissful consummation, but they, too, are patient in the pursuit. Quiet persistence and a belief in their powers can guarantee them success. They have a tremendous capacity for love but are equally capable of withholding it. No matter how deeply in love they fall, they are masters of their emotions and can consequently be very dangerous people to be involved with. You must listen to them carefully, for although they can give their hearts fully, the fact that they are spending their time with you is no guarantee that they have done so. They are capable of a wide range of personal interaction, from acquaintances and friendships to full-blown passion. Each relationship will have its own structure, including what is and is not allowed in the area of physical contact. Sensitivity to such laws is definitely a prerequisite for the relationship’s future. They can be nurturing parents, but many will think twice before they make the lifelong commitment of having children. This may be because, as children, they tend to enjoy the warmth of a close family; they can suffer terribly in conditions of marital strife or divorce. They have a tendency to idolize at least one of their parents, and to need to get along well with their parents once they are grown. It is not surprising, then, that once they decide they are truly in love (generally an important prerequisite to commitment for them), they can make faithful and devoted mates. Never take the romantic needs of those born during the Week of Magic for granted, however; candlelight dinners, vacations in glamorous locations, and the occasional spontaneous gift are all musts to keep the flame bright. Energy of the week... The Week of Magic is a highly romantic time, so you can expect an upsurge of your romantic feelings and a need to express them. At the same time you will have to be careful not to spin out of control in this area or to allow your illusion and fantasy to lead you astray. Dating, partying, and going out with exciting, attractive and romantic people can all be expected and welcomed. Who knows, this could be a time in which that soul mate you have been searching for for years finally arrives on the scene. If not, then just enjoy yourself with one or more partners.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:05:55 +0000

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