June 20 will always be a day to lovingly remember a grand lady - TopicsExpress


June 20 will always be a day to lovingly remember a grand lady who,in her own words, "lived a grand life! I am a better person to have had her always near to me for all of my life, even when I was thousands of miles away, she was never far from me! She had a way about her that always made you smile, she never talked bad about anyone. One of her more favorite saying (and she had many) was, "never make known the unknown faults of others". She loved with all of her heart and her wit and humor will live on and her stories and antics will be reminised about for years to come...who else could be so multi talented as she was? She was someone people wont ever forget. She was never one for grandeur and lived a very humble life, she travelled as she would say,"on a wing and a prayer", to Australia, Europe, South America, The USA, and throughout Canada, yet home was the Northside of Calvert and looking out "her own kitchen window, at the harbor!" Last year when she was gravely ill and I rushed to her side, she had that all telling smile that it was going to be okay, "the girls are on their way home", and they were, from Florida and Australia, and she would be fine! She had such zest for life and her Faith never wavered right up to her passing. Her memory was keener than many, including my own! Her memory will live on in her children, grandchildren and great grand children and in the Inn on Capelin Bay and her room will be as she requested...blue and her name will be on the door! Aunt Harriet you were and will always be, one of a kind and I will never forget you, my loving aunt, from your loving nephew...Rest In Peace
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 03:51:16 +0000

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