June 6, 2013 "We wish you to know that the flow of light into - TopicsExpress


June 6, 2013 "We wish you to know that the flow of light into this corner of your galaxy, and therefore your planet and yourselves, has once again reached an all-time high. The flow of information is, therefore, also increased. What does this mean for you? As this light proceeds to flow throughout your energy field and your physical body, you will continue, not begin, but continue, to be enabled, should you choose, to hold more and more of the energy of your true, and shall we say extended, selves. Your consciousness, memories, perceptions, and all functions thereof will now be able to grow at the extent of your desire. Yes, it will depend upon your desire, your will, and the state from which you now begin to move forward what that will look like for each of you. But it is not necessary, if it ever was, that you feel ‘stuck’ any longer. The flow of the energy into and through you is now too great to allow for that unless you allow for it. Any earnest effort on your part must now meet with success. Realize, however, that each of you are ‘beginning’ from a different place and each of you will have different ideas of what your goals in this process are. Eureka! You now know why there are billions of you here. Create from within yourselves the highest and best and most productive and joyous life you can imagine. Help the person next to you to do the same, whatever that may be. Be in touch, as much as you are able, and as much as you can become able, with your highest understanding of yourselves and your Creator. All else will fall into place as it should, and most likely far better than your imagination was able to foretell. And speaking of your imagination, that most wondrous part of you, turn it loose and see where it may take you. If it seems to you as if we are a bit more joyous than usual, dear hearts, it is because we see, from our vantage point, that you have once again reached a turning point, and have done so even before we expected you to. We live in your hearts, dearest ones, and we hold you in ours. We will speak with you again very soon. Good day." - June 13, 2013 "Our topic for today is, once again, the accelerating change and your ability to perceive it. The change we are referring to is total. It is changing you internally, and this change is resulting in changes external to you, at least in your perception of internal and external, which is flawed to say the least. What you perceive as external change is a result of internal changes you have been able to make for yourselves due to the increased and increasing light which is available to you. There is truly nothing external to you, and of course that is why you see changes around you, around your point of perception, and you understand, or misunderstand, that of course you had nothing to do with what you see because you further perceive yourself and other. This is more of the illusion. There is self, yes. But there is no other. Enough of the riddles, you say? We agree, for now. You will understand things of this sort in your own divine timing. The point of this little exercise is to get you to stop looking around and thinking that nothing is changing. Dear ones, everything is changing. It always has. It always will. As has been observed before by your sages, if there is one constant in your universe, it is change. The question is, why do you not see the changes you desire. Is that not so? You think such changes are not there to be seen? Well, they most certainly are, and they are increasing every day. If you truly desire to see them, and if you truly look for them, you will not miss them. But if you hold the cloak of denial about yourself, which is a way to protect yourself from disappointment, you will not see them. And as long as you hold onto that protection, that blanket, moth-eaten and musty though it is, you will not see them. Things are moving along quite nicely now. We invite you to drop the blanket and look around. Things are not nearly as frightful once you make the decision to expect and look for the positive that is around you. Even the apparent bad news, such as peaceful demonstrations being repressed, can be seen for the positive influences they are when you change your own perspective. You are, in fact, well into a period of immense and positive growth in awareness and consciousness. Millions of you are aware of the changes happening in yourselves. It can be time now for you to open your hearts and see the resulting changes in your world, but that is a decision you must make for yourselves. The strength to do so is now available to you. It resides in your heart. We keep saying that. We will continue to say it. Your entire new world resides in your hearts. In your own words, dear ones, go for it! Be the angels of peace, love, and change you came here to be. We love and respect you and will speak with you again soon. Good day." - June 20, 3013 "On this day we would ask you to center yourselves as much as possible and prepare yourselves for the immense energies you will receive during this super moon and solstice. Continue to focus upon the inner changes you have been concentrating on, and allow the energies themselves to make the changes in your outer world that can and will be made. Your input, received through prayers and intentions, is invaluable, but attempting to direct outcomes with your conscious minds is not needed. Allow the immense and unfathomable energy and intelligence of the All to do what needs to be done, and you will be far ahead of where you would be if you tried to direct the changes yourselves. Determine, decide, intend, and then allow would be a good way to approach things. Or you could think of it as deciding with your conscious mind and then letting your higher selves to do the work. Those from Eastern philosophies teach non-action, wu wei, tao, and other ways of describing this, but learn it in your own terms. You are familiar enough with the principles now. The flood of energy approaching you as we speak is massive. There is nothing more than the intent to ride it out and take utmost advantage of it that is required of you. If that means, in your particular case, that you need to lie down and rest, then do that. If you wish to dance with the moon, then do that. Let your heart and your body guide you for the next few days. But remember to breathe the energies into yourselves and let them bring to you what they are meant to bring. A great many of you are sufficiently familiar with this process now to know what is necessary. Share your hard won wisdom if you are asked. Those who are still asleep and do not have any idea of what is occurring now may act out, not knowing what to make of their feelings. It is not necessary that you become involved, even to the extent of letting the awareness of these things to pass by you. The growing power of your collective single purpose is of great value to your planet and yourselves now. Breathe this new energy into that and the next few days will prove to be of immense importance. We celebrate this time with you now. Be peace. Be love. We are here with you always. Good day." - June 24. 2013 "Please accept our congratulations on passing another important marker on your way to higher awareness, greater consciousness. Although you will certainly not feel any different today than you did last Friday, we can assure you that you are. Each day, hour, and minute that you spend now in the energy field that currently surrounds you sees your entire being becoming more able to contain the higher frequencies that are necessary for your further growth. There are those around you who do not choose to believe this is occurring. There are those who follow these messages who still think there is nothing happening to themselves, only to others. But, as we have previously stated many times, this energy is having its effect upon everything. We do, however, agree with them in this way. Were they to open themselves to what is possible at this time, welcome the change that is possible for themselves, and feel gratitude for all of it, the potentials for greater and faster manifestation of the life they profess to desire would, as you like to say, knock their socks off. You can have a little, if that is what you will allow, or you can have a lot. Your wishes will be honored at all times. If you are in conflict about what you wish to allow, you will be given that which you can accept. And, as always, dear friends, you will see what you believe. It is therefore high time for you to clarify, for yourselves, what it is you do believe and what you do desire. When we have taught you that you are the co-creators of your lives, it was because it is fact. If you look around you, you will have no problem seeing that in your outside world. Is that not true? Is it not natural then that it be true for you, as well? It is true that you were taught that you did not have such power. And your creation was therefore unconscious. Now you are being told that the power is yours. Build the rest of your lives with conscious intention. We say this not to bring forth any guilt, blame, nor any negative feelings whatsoever. We say it to get you to begin imagining the possibilities that now exist for you. It is not that the manner of creating has changed, it is that your creative energy is being upgraded from regular to high octane. Do not ask us to prove that to you. Look inside and prove it for yourselves. If you do not know it already, play the game of “if it were true”. If it were true, what would you do next? Beginning that process by declaring your intention and gratitude to that which you call your Creator would not be amiss, but start out and see where it will get you. You will astound yourselves. Asking your guides and angels for help is also a good idea, especially if you believe we exist. Yes, we are smiling at that. We live for that possibility, dear friends. It is not necessary for you to be in dire straits before we step in. Just ask. And one more thing, please begin to consider forgiving yourselves for being who you are. We promise you are each amazing miracles. We love you dearly. We will speak again soon. Good day." - June 28, 2013 "We greet you today with news that your world, at least the world of those not in denial, is changing. Look more closely around you than the national and international news. Many of you stopped following that some time ago anyway. Look for the changing attitudes of those in your own communities. Look even at the opportunities being brought forward by those courageous enough to challenge the long prevailing attitudes which you want changed. In the short run, not every one of these changes may manifest. In the long run, dear hearts, they all will. It all serves to awaken those who hear of it just that much more. Look to what you call your social media. How rapidly are the attitudes and understandings changing there? Yes, even in spite of those who refuse to acknowledge it, and in spite of those who are paid to undermine it. Some still think, you see, that they have the power to influence what you think, but we assure you that the power to influence what you think is only yours, if that is what you determine. We say that because, in addition to your own power, you have called upon and activated ours. They are trying to put their fingers into the dike, as your story goes, but they are finding that they only have ten fingers and the dike is leaking in innumerable places. Love is breaking out. Peace and freedom will surely follow. For those who continue to insist that nothing is happening, we have this response. You are wrong. Sorry, but you are wrong. The inner changes of millions of people are indeed happening now. And that, my friends, is what your societies and your world are made up of. It is all a reflection of you. And you are in the driver’s seat now. If you hope, you are powerful. If you believe you are more powerful. If you see, hear, feel, know, and love, you are the most powerful of all. Join together now and show yourselves just what you can do in peace and love. Be your new world and then watch it appear before your eyes. It is who you are. It is why you are here. We shall speak with you again very soon. Good day, dear ones." - June 30, 2013 "It is time for us to discuss the movements that are occurring in your societies. Others have done so. Even other channelings have done so. But we have only touched upon the topic here. This may be a short message, but we trust you will give it thought and consideration. You see around you now reports of much upheaval. You are told of riots, of massive protests, of government crackdowns. You are apprised almost daily of plans and technologies which are meant to control you even more than you are at present controlled. You are bombarded endlessly with stories of mayhem of all sorts, most of which, may we point out, has occurred many thousands of miles away from you. If you are following these things, it is very easy for you to lose yourselves in feelings of doubt, fear, and depression. Most of those following these messages, not all, but most, have learned to balance what they take into their consciousness and remain hopeful and centered in themselves. Even so, we have a point we wish to make regarding all of this. You are, at present, beginning to reconstruct your world into the type of place that the very biggest majority of you have longed and prayed for across the last several thousand years. You have asked for it, and it is time for it to happen. Your world is now a construction site, my friends. But we cannot build a safety fence around it to keep you from experiencing the turmoil. We cannot issue hardhats. You are living in the middle of the work area. What we can do is help to remember the truth about what is going on if you will only give some little credence to our words. Everything that you now see, no matter how it appears on its surface, is being used to bring about the changes you desire and, in fact, are creating for yourselves. So if you must look at the more disturbing things, and we certainly think you should not bury your heads in the sand as you say, then we ask you to look for the possible ways in which they may contribute to the desirable outcome. Mostly, try to remain aware at these times of the changes in the world consciousness which they are bringing about. They have certainly made a great impact on your own, have they not? In the meantime, continue to work on your own growth and to offer whatever love and comfort you can to others. Such love, we offer, IS the new world you long for. Be at peace in your hearts, dear friends, dear family. We will speak again. Good day." - July 11, 2013 "At the risk of being seen to repeat myself endlessly, let me begin by pointing out that once again you are being flooded with vastly more amounts and higher vibrations of light than ever before. You will notice, however, that even though that is so, you are more able to adapt to it than ever before, as well. This is exactly as intended it should be. The progress being made by you in becoming the new humans that you chose to become is remarkable when you consider the relatively short time in which you have achieved it. Yes, there is still some short way to go, but your evolution is nothing short of amazing. You will likely have noticed, therefore, that the events of your world are beginning to reflect the new energetic environment in which they are happening. Perhaps they are not completely to your liking yet, at least we hope not, but it would be hard to deny some progress in the right direction. As we have told you over and again, you are the change-makers. Perhaps you do not perceive of yourselves as being on the front lines, so to speak, but we assure you that it is so. The doing part of the event, as it is a peaceful change we are , and that means you and us, the doing part of the event that we are creating is the doing of energies and intent. No, you very likely will not be written up in any future history books, except those which are spoken of now as the akashic ones. But in those records, we assure you, you will never be omitted. Your generations, those which are living this time right now, will be told of forever. And may we add this, you are respected and revered even now. So, dear ones, please do not disrespect yourselves nor sell yourselves short any more. You have a penchant for doing that, you know. You find it easy to read of, and even say that, you are the strongest and the best. But in your hearts, too many of you feel that we must be referring to others. No, my family of earthbound angels, we are referring to you, the one who is reading or hearing this. So, when you enter into your prayers or meditations, endeavor to find and feel the truth of that being, that you, of which we speak in this moment. We promise you that being, that divine being exists in you and as you. Find her/him, accept these universal energies with gratitude, and watch yourselves grow with ease and grace. We look forward to speaking with you again soon. Good day." Michael via R.H.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:07:54 +0000

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