Just For Fun - Forecast for Monday 4th August 14. Yes, I know - TopicsExpress


Just For Fun - Forecast for Monday 4th August 14. Yes, I know Im supposed to be taking a break but Im at a bit of a loose end at the moment and since it is feeling and looking like Autumn has arrived early, I might as well do a dedicated forecast thread for Monday 4th August. And why that particular date?, I hear you holler. Alright, theres no need to shout, just back off the mike. Thats when Prince Harry is expected to be at Folkestone Village for the Wartime Ceremony (by the way, I dont want this thread to become an Urgh, what a ruddy waste of tax payers money or Its a horrible monstrosity discussion, save those thoughts for the various local action group pages here on Facebook). So, what is the weather going to be like for that particular day? Now, bear in mind that at seven days away, it is quite a long way off in forecasting terms, so here goes. Going by the American GFS model: Initial impressions does seem to be that of warm and sunny weather with temperatures getting up to 24 C under a light south west or even southerly wind. However, there is a chance of heat-induced thunder showers trying to move in from the French coast by the afternoon. Its where low pressure is plotted to become anchored off to the west of the UK and high pressure settling over the Low Countries, thus causing winds to waft in from the south. However, the ECM and our very own Met Office model are painting a somewhat more traditional seasonal-type picture with showers and sunny spells under a breezy south west or westerly wind but with temperatures sticking close to average values (around 21 C). So, what do I think? I reckon itll be a decent enough day with some sunny spells and varied cloud cover and itll get to be warm in any sunshine we do get despite breezy south west winds. However, I cannot rule out a chance of showers. Naturally, as always with this type of medium range forecast, there will be further mind changings and fine tunings as we get nearer to the date, but Ill have a firm idea of whats going to happen three or four days prior to the special day. Until then, keep everything crossed and hope it does turn out to be decent on the big day. Keep looking to the sky. Regards, The Cloud Master.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:14:50 +0000

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