Just a sneak peak of my LATEST work in progress... I will give a - TopicsExpress


Just a sneak peak of my LATEST work in progress... I will give a bigger piece in my blog later this week... But anyway... Heres a taste! As he drew near the glass, he heard the door kicked open and four men entered the room with a woman. Curious, he watched as they led her to stand beside the tank. His heart sank when he heard her voice. Her face was covered with a dark cloth, but he recognized that voice. It was the woman who lived on the beach. They were dragging her into this? But why? What had he done to give away his interest in her? He had broken rules where this female was concerned. He knew that. But he had just been so captivated by her, he had wanted to get closer; Even if the only way had been through their dreams. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he watched when they pulled the hood off of her head. “Now, Miss Ryder, I couldn’t help but notice when I read your Novels, the detailed knowledge you seem to have about fine fishy friend here.” The balding man, who he had learned was known as Jack, spoke in a somewhat antagonistic way, drawing his gaze from her face to his. He hated this man. So much so, he had already promised himself when he escaped from here, this one known as Jack would die. Now, hearing his condescending tone with the woman who held his affections just solidified his intentions. Looking from the man back to the woman, waiting to see what her response would be. Danielle was glaring at Jack and had yet to turn her gaze to the being within the water. He waited to see if the fiery spirit she had exhibited when he had met with her in her dreams would carry over into her waking world. He quelled the urge to smile at the thought. If so, he imagined Jack may have very well met his match. Without even looking at the water filled glass pool, the woman lashed out. “Frankly, I really don’t give a damn if my stories depict someone you may have found that bears a striking resemblance to someone or something else. There is a disclaimer in every single one of my books saying that any similarities to real people are unintentional and should not be taken seriously!” she almost growled as she said the last. “It’s a work of fiction!” Jack raised an eyebrow and took two steps, leaning down until his face was mere inches from hers. “Not anymore, it’s not.” Turning, he gestured toward the glass and she followed his signal, looking at what was within the tank for the first time.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:52:30 +0000

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