Just an update, since I havent really talked about my progress - TopicsExpress


Just an update, since I havent really talked about my progress lately. In 2010-2011, I was diagnosed with AML leukemia, and underwent chemotherapy for 6 months. I was unable to work, and spent a lot of time In the hospital and getting blood transfusions. The doctors kept saying well wait and see if the leukemia would come back, and there was almost a 50/50 chance it would. I have never prayed harder than I prayed for it to not come back a second time. Because over three years have passed with clean blood tests, the doctors thought I might be cured. April 2014, a routine blood test followed by a bone marrow biopsy revealed that the same leukemia was back. I started intense induction chemo in May, and repeated it in June which got the cancer back in remission. This chemo wipes out my bone marrow where the cancer is, but it also wipes out good cells that make blood, so I need blood transfusions. Because chemo didnt work the first time, I need the stem cell transplant. The doctors are certain that with chemo alone, the cancer would come back with in a year. That is why we are starting the transplant ASAP. The transplant is a serious procedure, and comes with risks, side effects, or may not even work, but I dont have a choice. During the month of July, I have spent nearly every day in the clinic. They have inspected every organ and every part of my body to make sure Im healthy enough for the transplant. I have also had training classes for chemo and radiation, classes for nutrition and care taking, pharmacy classes, and meetings with different doctors who want to use me for research or clinical trials. Many doctors say its going to be ok, while some are nagging me to write my will and last wishes. The schedule has fluctuated, but now we are on track to begin conditioning on August 3. This includes 3 days of strong chemo and 8 sessions of radiation over four days. This is meant to kill any lingering leukemia cells, and wipe out my bone marrow and immune system. On August 11, I will get my umbilical cord blood transplant via an IV through my catheter line. There are two cords in transit now: one from USA and one from England. I will spend about a month in the hospital, depending on how I do. There are side effects from the chemo and radiation as well as side effects from the body fighting with the new transplant. Doctors expect me to have stomach issues, painful mouth sores, and extreme fatigue. I will receive blood transfusions while the stem cells are engrafting. I will have type O+ and B+ blood at the same time until one of them wins. When I get home, the recovery time is 4-6 months. I will take lots of medications for suppressing my immune system, treating graft versus host disease from the transplant, anti infection meds, pills to protect my organs, etc. I will continue to be monitored at the clinic a couple of times a week. In a year, I will be feeling back to normal. There are also long term side effects that come with all of these treatments that will show up down the road, but...one thing at a time. Feel free to call me or come visit. I will spend August at UW hospital, and September-November at home with Mike and my mom. Secret- the only thing that relaxes me are funny videos of baby animals...so feel free to send these along ;)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:54:38 +0000

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